
Talent Training

Established in July 2012, the China Resources University Cement College is located in the Baiyun District of Guangzhou, covering an area of 45 mu and has a physical campus capable of accommodating 250 people simultaneously for training or holding conferences. The College undertakes the responsibility of cultivating talents for China Resources Cement, continuously optimizes and improves systems of project, curriculum and lecturers based on the company's strategic development, management requirements and staff's requirements on career development and consolidates the construction and operation of both offline campus learning and online mobile learning platforms. Adhering the philosophy of education of "Being diligent while studying, independent in thinking, willing to share and applying the knowledge" and following the "721" Principals of Talent Cultivation, the Cement College cultivated talents for CR Cement to become a world-class cement company. 

China Resources Cement Training System

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Three-year Training Mechanism for College Students and New Employees of China Resources Cement


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