

CR Cement adheres to reform and development and firmly seizes opportunities of the era. Internally, we strengthen corporate governance, insist on operating in compliance with laws and regulations, and emphasize on risks prevention and control. In order to build a modern enterprise with quality, efficiency and intensive management, we are committed to construct a sound operating system and take a development path towards a "technological building materials enterprise".


Key Performance Indicators:

Indicator Name201920202021
Turnover (HK$ million)38,95640,08743,963
Profit before taxation (HK$ million)12,00811,89310,291
Profit for the year (HK$ million)8,6949,0307,725
Total assets (HK$ million)61,17168,53279,149

In 2021, the Company obtained control on a total of 11 new mine resources in Deqing of Guangdong, Wuxuan, Nanning, Hengzhou and Shangsi of Guangxi, Nanping of Fujian, Tunchang of Hainan, Qijiang of Chongqing, and Luonan and Tongchuan of Shaanxi through bidding, acquisitions and equity participation. We thus marched into regions such as Hunan, Chongqing and Shaanxi to open up new "battlefield". As of the end of 2021, the Company has planned a total of 7 projects of precast concrete components. Upon the completion of projects, the design annual production capacity of precast concrete components is expected to reach 1.6 million m3. 

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