
Financial Results
  • Financial Overview
  • Reports & Presentations
Turnover (HK$ Million)
Profit attributable to owners of the Company (HK$ Million)
Basic earnings per share (HK$)
Net asset per share - book (HK$)

Consolidated Statement of Income
Unit: HK$ Million20232022202120202019
Cost of Sales(21,788)(27,300)(29,840)(24,451)(23,298)
Gross Profit3,7624,91914,12315,63615,658
Profit before Taxation9142,28210,29111,89312,008
Profit Attributable to Owners of the Company6441,9367,7678,9608,618

Note: Due to currency changes, the unit of measurement for 2023 is in millions of RMB.

Consolidated Statement of Financial Position
Unit: HK$ Million20232022202120202019
Total Assets72,79280,61479,14968,53261,171
Current Borrowings3,2904,5489,0513,5641,298
Non-current Borrowings16,06511,8851,3623,3006,628
Total Liabilities27,04529,77323,50818,509


Note: Due to currency changes, the unit of measurement for 2023 is in millions of RMB.

Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows            
Unit: HK$ Million20232022202020202019
Net Cash Generated from Operating Activities3,9183,1706,03410,26811,285
Net Cash Used in Investing Activities(4,675)(10,335)(11,731)(5,004)(2,618)
Net Cash Used in Financing Activities1,410(2,696)(755)(5,688)(7,837)
Cash and Bank Balances2,6042,1827,06713,22712,848

Note: Due to currency changes, the unit of measurement for 2023 is in millions of RMB.

Key Ratios

Gearing Ratio (Note 1)36.9%33.4%19.0%13.8%18.9%
Net Gearing Ratio (Note 2)30.0%27.9%-13.6%-13.6%-12.2%
Gross Margin (Note 3)14.7%15.3%32.1%39.0%40.2%
Profit Margin (Note 4)2.4%5.8%17.7%22.5%22.3%


1.Gearing ratio is calculated by dividing the total bank borrowings and unsecured medium term notes by equity attributable to owners of the Company.

2.Gearing ratio is calculated by dividing the total bank borrowings, unsecured bonds, unsecured commercial paper and unsecured medium term notes by equity attributable to owners of the Company.

3.Gross margin is calculated by dividing gross profit for the year by turnover.

4.Profit margin is calculated by dividing profit for the year by turnover.

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