

CR Cement always adheres to the talent concept of "respecting people's value, developing people's potential, and sublimating people's minds", and strictly abides by the "Labor Law" and other relevant laws and regulations to protect the legitimate rights and interests of employees and their occupational health. We smoothen the development channel of employees, and help employees achieve their own development through a diversified and systematic training system. We care for the life of employees, therefore a variety of cultural and sports activities are organized. To create a happy workplace, we enrich the spiritual culture of employees by vigorously promoting "entrepreneurial spirit" and "innovative spirit" while creating an upward and harmonious atmosphere.

Key Performance Indicators:

Indicator Name                2019                2020                    2021                
Total number of employees (people)                19,816                    19,467                    19,491                
Average number of days of paid annual leave per employee (days)                13.8                13.9                13.8                
Social insurance coverage rate (%)                100                100                100                

We make timely and full contributions to the "Five Social Insurances and Two Funds" and the Mandatory Provident Fund for Mainland employees and Hong Kong employees respectively. Moreover, additional company annual leave and leave for exam companionship are provided. The Company continues to take out commercial insurances for employees and their two immediate family members and improve annual health check packages for employees. During the novel coronavirus epidemic, the Company protects employee physical health through measures such as "flexitime" and "mobile clock-in".

1. Occupation Health

In 2021, a total of 41 employees of the Company passed the assessment and obtained the certificate for registered occupational hygienists. By the end of 2021, the coverage rates of the ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Health & Safety Management System and staff body checks are both 100%.

2. Skills Training

Offline Training: Cumulative offline training for a total duration of approximately 110,600 hours with approximately 1,900 participants.

Online Training: Over 300 mini-courses were self-developed internally and over 50 online courses were newly uploaded. The total duration of online training was approximately 92,000 hours with approximately 18,900 employees participated in the training.

Total Training Duration: The total duration of training was approximately 202,600 hours and the average training duration per employee was approximately 10.7 hours.

3. Care for Employees

In 2021, the "China Resources Cement Gratitude Fund" has raised a total of approximately RMB1.4 million in donations. In the same year, 50 employees in need were subsidized, with subsidies amounted to RMB2.6 million were distributed.

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