

As a responsible and committed enterprise, CR Cement insists on high-quality development while adhering to the red line awareness to resolutely build a line of defense for production safety. We are devoted in charity and public welfare, persist in bringing benefits to people and actively participate in the co-construction of community so as to build a more harmonious and beautiful society with practical actions.

Key Performance Indicators: 

Indicator Name201920202021
Taxation (HK$ million)3,314       2,8642,566
Number of new recruitments (People)1,386789763
Charitable donations (HK$ million)
Investment in production safety (RMB million)156152210

As of the end of 2021, the aggregate duration of safety training for the Company's staff amounted to approximately 381,300 hours, whereas that for counterparties amounted to approximately 79,100 hours. During the year, the Company organized 1,333 emergency drills with 19,455 participants in attendance. Moreover, we organized employees in Hong Kong to launch a public welfare activity, the "Hear-warming Project" to unite the strengthen of Hong Kong youth and deepen the forces of patriotism and love for Hong Kong.

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