

CR Cement always adheres to the concept of ecological priority and green development. We actively engage in energy saving and emission reduction, as well as pollution reduction and carbon reduction, while pursuing the coordinated development of enterprise and the ecological environment to help to create a beautiful China with everlasting green hills and abundant vitality. 

Key Performance Indicators:

Indicator Name                2019         2020         2021          
Total investment in environmental protection (RMB million)                443           441508            
Investment in technological upgrade in energy-saving and emission reduction (RMB million)                120       123            147            
Industrial waste utilized ('000 tons)                21,080      21,010      20,490   
Municipal solid waste co-processed (tons)                162,700    183,100     207,700     

By the end of 2021, 17 production plants of CR Cement had been included in the registers of national-level, provincial-level or AR-level "Green Factories". The "lighthouse factory" project under construction by the Company in Fengkai was officially rolled out in mid-July 2021, and has now entered into the full implementation phase. In addition, 5G coverage of factory areas are under construction. The 7 application scenarios and 1 industrial Internet platform which had been planned with the main aim of whole-process intelligent manufacturing, will improve the intelligent construction and digital transformation and upgrade of factory areas, enhance the efficiency of quality inspection and reduce consumption of resources to promote green production. As of the end of 2021, the Company had 10 co-processing projects in total, with annual processing capacity of approximately 1.71 million tons.  

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