

CR Cement always adheres to the concept of fairness and justice, win-win cooperation and common development. We strengthened strategic synergy, and actively launched strategic cooperation with outstanding enterprises, local governments and universities. We adhere to Sunshine Procurement, establish and improve the supply chain management system and extensively participate in industry exchanges for the green, healthy and sustainable development of the cement industry.

Key Performance Indicators:

Indicator Name            Unit            2019            2019            2021            
Number of strategic co-operation agreements executed            No.       5921             
Total number of suppliers            No.            9,074            11,524               10,975               

In 2021, the Company signed a series of strategic cooperation agreements with various industry leading companies such as China Railway Group Limited, China Baowu Group, Power Construction Corporation of China, Ltd and China Telecom. In-depth exchanges were carried out in fields such as concrete, new materials, comprehensive utilization of solid waste and intelligentization-oriented development and resources allocation was optimized to jointly achieve high-quality development. During the year, a total of 1,294 people from suppliers, distributors, joint ventures and other partners participated in 4 instances of integrity alert education so as to effectively establish an anti-corruption supervision and linkage mechanism with partners, and build a clean and honest development atmosphere.

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