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2024 First Quarter Results Announcement
2024.04.26 Hong Kong
2023 Annual Results Announcement
2024.03.15 Hong Kong
2023 Third Quarter Results Announcement
2023.10.27 Hong Kong
2023 Interim Results Announcement
2023.08.18 Hong Kong
2022 Annual Results Announcement
2023.03.17 Hong Kong
2022 Third Quarter Results Announcement
2022.10.21 Hong Kong
2022 Interim Results Announcement
2022.08.12 Hong Kong
Annual General Meeting
2022.05.27 Shenzhen
2022 First Quarter Results Announcement
2022.04.29 Hong Kong
2021 Annual Results Announcement
2022.03.18 Hong Kong
2021 Third Quarter Results Announcement
2021.10.22 Hong Kong
2021 Interim Results Announcement
2021.08.13 Hong Kong
Annual General Meeting
2021.05.14 Hong Kong
2021 First Quarter Results Announcement
2021.04.23 Hong Kong
2020 Annual Results Announcement
2021.03.12 Hong Kong
2020 Third Quarter Results Announcement
2020.10.23 Hong Kong
2020 Interim Results Announcement
2020.08.21 Hong Kong
Annual General Meeting
2020.06.29 Hong Kong
2020 First Quarter Results Announcement
2020.04.24 Hong Kong
2019 Annual Results Announcement
2020.03.27 Hong Kong
2019 Third Quarter Results Announcement
2019.10.25 Hong Kong
2019 Interim Results Announcement
2019.08.09 Hong Kong
Annual General Meeting
2019.05.10 Hong Kong
2019 First Quarter Results Announcement
2019.04.26 Hong Kong
2018 Annual Results Announcement
2019.03.08 Hong Kong
2018 Third Quarter Results Announcement
2018.10.19 Hong Kong
2018 Interim Results Announcement
2018.08.10 Hong Kong
Annual General Meeting
2018.05.11 Hong Kong
2018 First Quarter Results Announcement
2018.04.20 Hong Kong
2017 Annual Results Announcement
2018.03.09 Hong Kong
2017 Third Quarter Results Announcement
2017.10.20 Hong Kong
2017 Interim Results Announcement
2017.08.04 Hong Kong
Annual General Meeting
2017.05.12 Hong Kong
2017 First Quarter Results Announcement
2017.04.21 Hong Kong
2016 Annual Results Announcement
2017.03.10 Hong Kong
Name of Instituion Analyst Telephone Email
中銀國際 BOCI 劉志成 Lawrence Lau (852)39886418 lawrence.lau@bocigroup.com
美銀 BofA 趙彥琳 Matty Zhao (852)35084001 matty.zhao@bofa.com
中金 CICC 陳彥 Yan Chen (852)22663436 yan3.chen@cicc.com.cn
花旗 Citi 尚游 Jack Shang (852)25012441 jack.shang@citi.com
中信里昂 CLSA 羅鼎 Ding Luo (852)26007233 ding.luo@clsa.com
瑞信 Credit Suisse 李爾鵬 Peter Li (852)21016320 peter.li@credit-suisse.com
高盛 Goldman Sachs 陳群 Trina Chen (852)29782678 Trina.Chen@gs.com
國泰君安 Guotai Junan 鮑雁辛 Yanxin Bao (86755)23976830 baoyanxin@gtjas.com
國泰君安國際 Guotai Junan International 黃鴻昌 Jason Huang (852)25095347 jason.hc.huang@gtjas.com.hk
海通證券 Haitong Securities 申浩 Hao Shen (8621)23154114 sh12219@htsec.com
匯豐 HSBC 劉浩邦 Howard Lau (852)29966625 howard.h.b.lau@hsbc.com.hk
華泰證券 Huatai Securities 王帥 Bruce Wang (8621)28972099 bruce.wang@htsc.com
興業(yè)證券 Industrial Securities 韓亦佳 Yijia Han (8621)38565959 hanyij@xyzq.com.cn
富瑞 Jefferies 云浚淳 Johnson Wan (852)37438083 johnson.wan@jefferies.com
摩根大通 JP Morgan 魏柏修 Po Wei (852)28008537 po.wei@jpmorgan.com
摩根士丹利 Morgan Stanley 張鐳 Rachel Zhang (852)22391520 rachel.zhang@morganstanley.com
瑞銀 UBS 甘清仁 James Kan (852)29716334 james.kan@ubs.com

Basic Company Information

Question: What is the main business of China Resources Building Materials Technology?

AnswerWe are a large-scale and competitive cement, clinker and concrete producer in Southern China. 

Question: What is the relationship between China Resources Building Materials Technology and China Resources Group?

AnswerChina Resources Building Materials Technology is the holding company of all the cement and concrete operations of China Resources Group. The Group holds approximately 68.72% of the issued shares of China Resources Building Materials Technology.

Question: Where can I see the Company's shareholder structure?

AnswerYou can find the Company's shareholder structure here.

Question: Where can I find the Company's financial information?

AnswerYou can find the Company's financial information here.

ESG Related

Question: Where can I see the Company's Corporate Governance Report? What is the composition of the Company's Board of Directors?


You can find the Company's Corporate Governance Report here.

You can find the composition of the Company's Board of Directors here.

Question: Where can I see the Company's Social Responsibility Report/ESG Report?


You can find the Company's Social Responsibility Report/ESG Report here.

Dividend Related

Question: Where can I see the Company's past dividend records?

AnswerYou can find the Company's past dividend records here.

Question: Where can I see the Company's dividend payment date?

Answer: You can find the Company's dividend payment date in the investor calendar here.


Question: How to contact the Company's investor relations team?

AnswerYou can find the Company's investor relations team contact details here.

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