
Corporate Information
  • Fact Sheet
  • Shareholder Structure
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Stock Exchange:Hong Kong Stock Code::1313
Industry:Building Materials
China Resources Building Materials Technology Holdings Limited is a large-scale and competitive cement, clinker and concrete producer in Southern China. As at 31 December 2023, the Group had 101 cement grinding lines and 49 clinker production lines in operation, with annual production capacity of 90.1 million tons of cement and 63.3 million tons of clinker respectively, as well as 63 concrete batching plants with annual production capacity of 38.4 million cubic metres of concrete. In addition, through our equity interests of certain associates and joint ventures, the Group owned a total of 74 cement grinding lines, 30 clinker production lines and 20 concrete batching plants with total annual production capacities of 64.7 million tons of cement, 37.0 million tons of clinker and 8.5 million cubic metres of concrete.
CR BLDG MAT TEC (0.1313.hk)
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Unit:HK$ Million
Capital Expenditure
Unit:HK$ Million
Shareholder Structure


Key Indicators 20232022
Consolidated Statement of Income (RMB Million)
Cost of Sales(21,788)(24,716)
Gross Profit3,7624,616
Profit Attributable to Owners of the Copmany644
Consolidated Statement of Financial Position (RMB Million)
Cash and Bank Balances2,6041,949
Total Assets72,79271,856
Total Liabilities27,04526,596
Total Equity45,74745,260
Per Share Data
Basic EPS (RMB)0.0920.231
DPS (HK$)0.0470.129
NAVPS - Book (HK$)6.326.28
Contact Information
Tel:(852)3118 6800
Fax:(852)3118 6830
Email: crcement@crc.com.hk
Address: Rm. 3001-05, China Resources Building, 26 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
Account Settlement
Tel: ${a.contentAttribute.custom_1}
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Website: ${a.contentAttribute.custom_4}


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