
"CR Group's 'Future Stars' New Employee Training Camp in 2024 Concludes Successfully in Southern China's Eighth Camp"
Writing time:2024-08-19

On August 15, 2024, the closing ceremony of the CR Group's "Future Stars" new employee training camp in Southern China's Eighth Camp (Building Materials Technology Camp) was held at the Guangzhou CR Building Materials Technology Learning and Innovation Center. Yang Kun, Deputy Minister of the Party Committee Organization Department and Deputy General Manager of the Human Resources Department of CR Group, Ji Youhong, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Board of Directors of CR Building Materials Technology, Jing Shiqing, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and CEO, Li Baojun, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Vice President, Xu Zongyu, Member of the Party Committee of CR Five Rich, and Deputy General Manager, as well as leaders from CR Building Materials Technology and CR Five Rich, attended the closing ceremony.


During the ceremony, camp representatives vividly depicted life at the Southern China Eighth Camp with the main colors of red, yellow, and blue, and presented excellent topics. Zhang Ling, General Manager of the Holding Human Resources Department, introduced the five-year talent development plan of CR Building Materials Technology and CR Five Rich. A representative from the Runpeng program shared career guidance and breakthrough plans, outlining a clear career development blueprint for the camp members. Deputy General Manager Yang Kun advised the camp members to: first, firmly uphold their ideals and beliefs, becoming inheritors of CR culture; second, hone their skills and be down-to-earth practitioners; third, persist in their commitments and be loyal and clean in their responsibilities.


CEO Jing Shiqing delivered a closing speech titled "Continuing the Red Gene and Inspiring the Power of Youth." He congratulated the 156 camp members on their successful graduation, commended the achievements of the holdings' Human Resources Department, the Functional Building Materials Business Unit, and the project team during the training camp, and expressed gratitude for the strong support from CR Five Rich. He led all camp members in earnestly studying and understanding Chairman Wang Xiangming's closing remarks spirit and, drawing on his own experiences, encouraged the camp members to: first, uphold the spirit of "the sound of iron drums on the city walls still reverberates," practicing the mission of youth in heritage; second, display the passion of "as if striking the water for three thousand miles," showcasing the power of youth in responsibility; third, possess the self-awareness of "knowing this, one must personally practice it," composing a youthful chapter in practical work. He emphasized the need to continue the red gene, stir up the strength of youth, and in practicing the group's "1246" model, promoting the "Dual-Core and One Force" strategy, to compose a "youthful chapter" with the "youth of me," jointly creating a magnificent chapter in the hundred-year history of CR!

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Closing ceremony site
Deputy General Manager Yang Kun gave a closing message
CEO Jing Shiqing delivered a closing speech
Awarding of graduation certificates
Camp flag handover
Ceremony photo
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