
China Resources Building Materials Technology Holds 2023 Annual Award Ceremony
Writing time:2024-07-18

On July 17, China Resources Building Materials Technology held its 2023 Annual Award Ceremony at the Guangzhou Learning and Innovation Center. Over 200 attendees were present, including holding leaders Ji Youhong, Jing Shiqing, Li Baojun, Zheng Qinghong, Li Chuanji, Cai Xiang, Chen Anguo, Jiang Muchuan, Chang Yang, Huang Hu, and Yin Yue, as well as key leaders from various departments and business units of the holding company and representatives of awardees.


The theme of this award ceremony was "Expanding Roads, Innovating for the Future." The event focused on recognizing advanced collectives and individuals who received 15 awards in three categories: technological innovation, organization, and individual achievements from China Resources Group and China Resources Building Materials Technology Holding. Award-winning teams and employee representatives shared their growth experiences in their respective roles and expressed their aspirations for the future, demonstrating a firm belief in sharing destiny and breathing together with the company.


In his speech, CEO Jing Shiqing pointed out that 2023 is a year of pioneering to stick to the original aspiration and pursue distant dreams, a year of transformation to set sail bravely and stride forward, a year of struggle to move forward without fearing the storm and with determination. Countless cadres and employees have taken the lead and moved forward, creating extraordinary achievements in ordinary positions, contributing their enthusiasm and sweat to the transformation and development of the company.


Chairman Ji Youhong, on behalf of the company, warmly congratulated the advanced collectives and individuals who were commended. He emphasized that as the glorious inheritors of the 85-year history of China Resources and the ambitious sailors of the 20-year history of building materials technology, we bear the heavy responsibility of inheriting the red gene and contributing to the modernization of China. Everyone must take examples as the sail for progress, innovation as the boat for breaking through the waves, and reform as the axe for pioneering. With a spirit of perseverance and boundless passion, we must forge ahead towards our common goal and achieve new heights.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Chairman Ji Youhong delivers a speech
CEO Jing Shiqing delivers a speech
Award Ceremony
Speech by the award-winning representative
Recital Performance
Commendation Meeting Venue
Group Photo
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