
China Resources Building Materials Technology Successfully Holds the Third Science and Technology Innovation Forum
Writing time:2024-07-18

On July 17th, China Resources Building Materials Technology successfully held the third Science and Technology Innovation Forum on "Leading Technology, Innovative Development" at the Guangzhou Learning and Innovation Center. Attendees included Academician Xing Feng from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, Researcher Chen Xiaolong from the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and top leaders Ji Youhong, Jing Shiqing, Li Baojun, Li Chuanji, Cai Xiang, Chen Anguo, Jiang Muchuan, Chang Yang, Huang Hu, and Yin Yue. Leaders from the Group Learning and Innovation Center and Jinan University were also present. The forum was live-streamed to all employees through the Run 3.0 platform.


CEO Jing Shiqing welcomed Academician Xing Feng, experts, and leaders in his speech. He emphasized the importance of creating an atmosphere of "cutting-edge exploration and open cooperation" through this technology forum. The aim is to deepen interdisciplinary academic exchanges and talent exchanges, accelerate the implementation of the holding group's technology innovation strategy, and create a more favorable environment to meet new tasks and challenges in the current new situation.


The reports presented at this Science and Technology Innovation Forum were rich and diverse, ranging from the utilization of solid waste resources in traditional building construction to substrate materials for integrated circuit-related chips, and from energy conservation and emission reduction in traditional cement industry to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) initiatives. These topics resonated strongly with the attendees, eliciting rounds of applause throughout the event.


Chairman Ji Youhong, in his closing speech, outlined four key requirements for the holding group's technological innovation work. Firstly, he emphasized using technological innovation as a lever to accelerate breakthroughs in key core technologies and enhance core competitiveness. Secondly, he stressed the ongoing promotion of green development, active exploration of technologies for the coordinated disposal of solid waste in cement kilns, and strengthening core functions. Thirdly, he highlighted the need to implement strategic plans for new material businesses, accelerate corporate innovation transformation, and vigorously develop new quality productivity. Fourthly, he emphasized the importance of continuing to excel in ESG work to promote the sustainable development of China Resources Building Materials Technology and better fulfill the social responsibilities of central enterprises.


He underscored that China Resources Building Materials Technology should keep pace with the latest national requirements for technological innovation, actively respond to central calls, place technological innovation at the core of development strategies, implement the "dual carbon" goals through technological innovation, accelerate breakthroughs in new material businesses, and drive the company towards high-end, intelligent, and green development.


During the forum, a signing ceremony was held for the framework agreement between China Resources Building Materials Technology and Jinan University, marking a comprehensive collaboration in areas such as technology research and development, platform construction, and talent cultivation.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

CEO Jing Shiqing delivers a speech
Academician Xing Feng giving an academic presentation
Researcher Chen Xiaolong giving an academic presentation
Tao Congxi giving an academic presentation
Zeng Rong giving an academic presentation
Wu Zepeng shares ESG work
Chairman Ji Youhong giving the closing speech
Signing of the Cooperation Framework Agreement between Huaxin Building Materials Technology and Jinan University
Group Photo
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