
Successful Completion and Production Launch of Guigang Cement Calcium-Based Project's 5 Million Tons Per Year Aggregate Production Line and Guigang Runlong Dongyeshan Project
Writing time:2024-07-02

On July 1st, the completion and commissioning ceremony of the Guigang Cement Calcium-based Project with an annual output of 5 million tons of aggregate production line and the Guigang Runlong New Materials Dongyeshan Project was successfully held at the Guigang Cement Plant. Lin Haibo, Deputy Secretary of the Guigang Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, Gan Xiaojie, Secretary-General of the Guigang Municipal People's Government, Wei Anning, Secretary of the Qintang District Committee, Peng Fangqing, General Manager of the Southwest Region of China Resources Building Materials Technology, and others attended the ceremony. Mayor Lin Haibo announced the official completion and commissioning of the project.


Feng Weide, General Manager of Guigang Cement, sincerely thanked the Guigang Municipal Party Committee and Government, the Qintang District Committee and Government, and all sectors of society for their strong support for China Resources Building Materials Technology. He expressed his respect to all partners, construction units, and employees who have worked tirelessly for more than 200 days and nights to jointly promote the completion and commissioning of the project. He stated that in the face of the current complex and changing industry environment, Guigang Cement will continue the red bloodline, maintain confidence and beliefs in development, actively adapt to new requirements of the times, proactively address new challenges, timely change business strategies, and contribute to the high-quality development of the Guigang economy and society with business performance and practical actions.


The Guigang Cement Calcium-Based Project, with an annual output of 5 million tons of aggregate production line, and the Guigang Runlongdong Yeshan Project, started full construction in November 2023. During the period, it overcame many adverse factors such as continuous rainfall, and completed construction and production according to the established plan in 7 months, fully demonstrating the style and ability of China Resources Building Materials to climb the peak, tackle difficulties, and dare to achieve success. At this point, the annual production capacity of aggregate in Guangxi by China Resources Building Materials Technology has reached 44 million tons, further laying a solid foundation for the company to expand and strengthen the aggregate business and forge the growth pole of the aggregate business.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Mayor Lin Haibo announced the completion and commissioning of the project
Ceremony scene 1
Ceremony scene 2
Product shipped from factory
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