
China Resources Group Organizes 8 Central Enterprises from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to Conduct Research on Tianyang's "Lighthouse Factory"
Writing time:2024-06-18

On June 13th, China Resources Group organized the heads of the office of Southern Power Grid, China Electronics, China Southern Airlines Group, China Merchants Group, China Tourism Group, China General Nuclear Power Group, Overseas Chinese Town Group, and Nan Guang Group, which are 8 central enterprises, to conduct research on China Resources Building Materials Technology's Tianyang Cement "Lighthouse Factory". A total of 20 people, including representatives from the relevant departments of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, China Resources Group, and the 8 central enterprises, participated in the research. The head of China Resources Building Materials Technology's office, the head of the intelligent data department, and the management team of Tianyang Cement accompanied the research throughout.


The research group visited the Tianyang Cement Intelligent Mine, Production Control Center, Intelligentized Safety Behavior Control, and Collaborative Disposal of Municipal Solid Waste in Cement Kilns, among other projects. They gained a detailed understanding and exchanged insights on scenarios such as digitalized mine operations, municipal waste disposal, and unmanned laboratory operations. The group also experienced projects such as unmanned mining vehicle driving and physical safety simulations. The research group highly praised the achievements of China Resources Building Materials Technology's "Lighthouse Factory" and the collaborative waste disposal project. They recognized the Tianyang "Lighthouse Factory" as an outstanding example of digital innovation in traditional industries. The waste disposal project fully demonstrates the social responsibility and green, low-carbon development concept of central enterprises. It provides valuable experience and reference for the transformation and upgrading of manufacturing industries towards high-end, intelligent, and green development. It is an important focus for the development of new productive forces, and further exchange and cooperation will be strengthened in the future.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Visit the Tianyang factory
Visit the mine intelligent control room
Visit the factory control room
Visit the unmanned laboratory
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