
"Zhaoqing Runxin New Materials' "Non-Coal Mine Intelligent Blasting" Scene Selected for National Mining Field Robot Typical Application Scene List"
Writing time:2024-05-30

Recently, the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and the General Office of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology jointly issued a notice announcing the list of typical application scenarios for robots in the mining field. The "Non-Coal Mine Intelligent Blasting" scene, constructed by Zhaoqing Runxin New Materials, has successfully been included in the list. The purpose of this list is to fulfill the key tasks outlined in the "14th Five-Year Plan for the Development of the Robot Industry" and the "Action Plan for the Application of Robots," and to promote the better use of the robot industry in ensuring the safe and high-quality development of mines. Applying units are required to have key technologies that are domestically leading or internationally advanced, and the typical scenarios should have already been successfully implemented domestically, demonstrating strong demonstrative and promotional prospects.


In recent years, China Resources Building Materials Technology has firmly grasped the development strategy of safe and intelligent mining for non-coal open-pit mines. They have deepened collaboration among various parties and actively conducted research and development to address the bottleneck problem of intelligent blasting. Leveraging the intelligent mining scene of the non-coal open-pit mine production process built by Zhaoqing Runxin, the company has successfully achieved the industrial application of integrating multiple scenarios of blasting construction, full-process perception, interconnection, and collaboration. The number of on-site mining personnel has been significantly reduced by 83%. The project has now been approved as the first key laboratory for safe and intelligent mining in non-coal open-pit mines in the South China region by the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau.


In the future, China Resources Building Materials Technology will take the honors it has received as new momentum and a new starting point. They will adhere to the leadership of "smart manufacturing" and deeply cultivate the field of intelligent mining. They will accelerate the exploration and practice of new productive forces and empower high-quality development with new productive forces.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Selected for the list of typical application scenarios for robots in the mining field by the National Mine Safety Supervision Bureau and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Panorama of Zhaoqing Runxin New Materials
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