
China Resources Building Materials Technology Holds 2023 Annual Shareholders' Meeting
Writing time:2024-05-29

On May 24th, China Resources Building Materials Technology held its 2023 annual shareholders' meeting in Shenzhen. Chairman and Executive Director Ji Youhong, CEO and Executive Director Jing Shiqing, as well as three non-executive directors attended the meeting at the main venue in Shenzhen, while other directors participated via video conference. The meeting provided an electronic conference system for shareholders to watch and listen to the meeting online.


During the meeting, shareholders approved the company's annual financial statements, board reports, independent auditors' reports, the distribution of final dividends, the reappointment of KPMG as the independent auditor, and authorized the board of directors to determine their remuneration.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Chairman Ji Youhong attended the meeting
CEO Jing Shiqing attended the meeting
Group photo at the Shenzhen venue
Online electronic conference system
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