
CR Building Materials Technology Releases 2023 Sustainable Development Report, Receives "Five-Star Excellent" Rating for the First Time
Writing time:2024-04-27

On April 26th, CR Building Materials Technology's 2023 Sustainable Development Report was released online. The report received the prestigious "Five-Star Excellent" rating for corporate social responsibility from the Expert Committee on Corporate Social Responsibility Reporting in China. Additionally, it has been awarded the "Five-Star" ESG Excellence rating for two consecutive years.


This report is the 11th Sustainable Development/Social Responsibility Report released by China Resources Building Materials Technology, and also the first sustainable development report since the company's official renaming. The report is themed around "Becoming a world-class building materials technology enterprise respected by all," adhering to the principles of importance, quantification, balance, and consistency, fully showcasing the sustainable development management initiatives and responsibilities of China Resources Building Materials Technology in 2023.


The report covers seven major areas of responsibility: economic responsibility, employee responsibility, customer responsibility, environmental responsibility, partner responsibility, public responsibility, and responsibility management. It revolves around four main themes: "Flourishing and Prosperous - Promoting Business and Assistance," "Nourishing with Ingenuity - Leading Industrial Prosperity," "Green Building Materials - Showcasing the Brilliance of the Nine Provinces," and "Casting Hopes - Harmonizing Society's Beauty." The report provides detailed accounts of CR Building Materials Technology's highlights in corporate governance, compliance, innovative development, product quality and services, energy conservation and environmental protection, green and low-carbon initiatives, safety production, employee rights, and charitable activities. It demonstrates the achievements of sustainable development within the company.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Report Rating
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