
CR Building Materials Technology's One-stop Disposal Project for Mining Waste Stone and Construction Solid Waste Passes Technical Achievement Assessment
Writing time:2024-04-27

Recently, CR Building Materials Technology's Changjiang production plant's project, "One-stop Utilization of Mining Waste Stone and Construction Solid Waste for Production of Low-carbon Cement and Concrete - Technology and Application Demonstration," was awarded the Technical Achievement Appraisal Certificate by the China Building Materials Federation. The project's achievements were recognized as reaching the overall international advanced level, with the "Key Technology for Producing Low-carbon Cement and Concrete using High-alumina Low-calcium Waste Stone" reaching the international leading level.


Currently, Changjiang Cement has established a production line capable of disposing of 250,000 tons of construction waste and 1.2 million tons of mining waste stone as aggregate. Additionally, there is a commercial mixing station with an annual capacity of 300,000 cubic meters. These facilities work in collaboration with three existing cement kilns to produce low-carbon cement and concrete products. This breakthrough has overcome the challenges of excessive pressure on the crushing of mining waste stone in Changjiang Cement and the inability to scientifically utilize it, resulting in its discharge. It provides an effective solution to the problem of surrounding construction waste in Changjiang County and achieves one-stop disposal of construction waste with 100% high-value utilization of products. This project has significant social and environmental benefits.


In the future, CR Building Materials Technology will continue to intensify its efforts in technological innovation, accelerate the pace of low-carbon and environmentally friendly transformation, and strive to promote the coordinated development of urban construction and environmental protection.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Certificate of Scientific and Technological Achievement Appraisal
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