
China Resources Building Materials Technology Participates in the 24th Xiamen International Stone Fair and Holds New Product Launch and Strategic Partner Conference
Writing time:2024-03-26

From March 16th to 19th, China Resources Building Materials Technology showcased its full line of stone products under the "Runpin" brand at the 24th Xiamen International Stone Fair held at the Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center. During the exhibition, they also held the "Silently Nurturing Excellence, Quality Life" Runpin New Product Launch and Strategic Partner Conference. More than 160 attendees, including CEO Jing Shiqing, Li Wei, Jiang Muchuan from the holding leadership, Southeast Regional General Manager Tao Lei, Hong Kong Regional Business Division General Manager Lin Hong, Functional Building Materials Division General Manager Wang Wen, representatives from the holding's related departments, representatives from the Functional Building Materials Division, and "Runpin" partners, participated in the conference.


The "Runpin" exhibition hall, themed "Stone·New Sculpture," showcased the technology, natural harmony, and warm space of the "Runpin" brand through various application scenarios. It provided a multidimensional display and engaged with visitors through on-site interactions, live streaming, and other means to fully listen to the market's feedback. Chen Guoqing, the President of the China Stone Material Association, and Zhu Xinsheng, the Chairman of Global Stone, visited the "Runpin" exhibition hall. They had discussions and exchanges with CEO Jing Shiqing, Vice President Jiang Muchuan, and Wang Wen, the General Manager of the Functional Building Materials Division.


During the event, China Resources Building Materials Technology unveiled its brand new "Runpin" products for 2024. They also held a ceremony to present brand authorization certificates and sign mission statements. Additionally, they engaged in in-depth discussions with various partners regarding future cooperation directions, market layout, and strategies for mutual success.


CEO Jing Shiqing pointed out that China Resources Building Materials Technology has entered a brand new track, and strengthening and optimizing the functional building materials business is the company's imperative to cultivate and develop new productive forces. This will enable the transformation of traditional industries into high-end, intelligent, and green sectors, ensuring a "winning battle." In the future, China Resources Building Materials Technology will continuously optimize its industrial chain layout, deepen business synergy, promote the sharing of customer resources, lead the industry's transformation and development, and work hand in hand with partners to create a bright future for the industry.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Chen Guoqing, President of China Stone Material Association, visited the "Runpin" exhibition hall
CEO Jing Shiqing's speech
"Runpin" new product launch conference
Group Photo
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