
China Resources Building Materials Technology Holds 2024 Work Conference
Writing time:2024-02-28

On February 26th-27th, China Resources Building Materials Technology holds its 2024 Work Conference, themed “New Year, New Beginnings” in Guangzhou, Guangdong. Over 260 participants, including top executives Ji Youhong, Jing Shiqing, Li Baojun, Zheng Qinghong, Li Chuanji, Cai Xiang, Li Wei, Chen Anguo, Jiang Muchuan, Chang Yang, Yin Yue, external directors Zhu Ping, Zhou Bo, Yang Changyi, and key personnel from the company, gathered for the event. The conference was chaired by Vice President Li Baojun.


The conference pointed out that 2023 marks the 85th anniversary of China Resources' establishment, the 40th anniversary of the founding of China Resources Group, and the 20th anniversary of China Resources Cement. Faced with a challenging and complex external environment and unprecedented production and operational pressures, China Resources Building Materials Technology has deeply implemented the theme education of studying and implementing Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They have also actively practiced the "1246" model of China Resources, comprehensively promoted the "Four Reshaping" initiative, conducted a comprehensive review of the mid-term strategy for the 14th Five-Year Plan, made every effort to stabilize growth, implemented a comprehensive competitive sales strategy, accelerated the construction of aggregate projects, promoted the research and layout of new materials, and proudly became the first "Lighthouse Factory" in the global building materials industry. They have also carried out a series of activities to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the company, completed the renaming of the listed company, and gradually released the effectiveness of various work, presenting a stable and resilient development trend.


Chairman Ji Youhong delivered a speech entitled "Striving to Achieve a New Beginning with Full Efforts" during which he led the attendees in reviewing the achievements of the past year and conducting a thorough analysis of the current internal and external situation faced by the company. He expressed sincere gratitude and high respect to all cadres and employees, and provided guidance and a clear path for how to implement, carry out, and excel in the work of 2024. Chairman Ji emphasized that in the new year, China Resources Building Materials Technology should firmly practice the China Resources "1246" model, focusing on the annual management theme of "strengthening the foundation, upgrading through technological innovation, and promoting transformation." The company should concentrate on enhancing its core competitiveness and comprehensively improving and strengthening its core business. It should also accelerate the development of new industries, focus on deepening reforms to enhance capabilities and activate vitality in order to strive for excellence. Additionally, the company should focus on inheriting the red genes, transforming mindsets, improving capabilities, and rectifying work styles. Chairman Ji emphasized the importance of launching the first shot of the "Five Major Battles" with the working status and spirit of "decisive battle at the beginning and sprinting from the start," striving to achieve a strong start in the first quarter, ensuring the effective implementation of the work goals for 2024, and seizing the initiative to create a new momentum and proactive approach for the whole year. He also emphasized the strategic thinking and historical responsibility of "winning the present and winning the future," stabilizing the core business foundation, breaking through new layouts in new industries, resolutely winning the "Five Major Battles," and achieving a new beginning for the entire year.


CEO Jing Shiqing delivered the 2024 work report of CR Building Materials Technology, titled "Strengthening the Foundation, Upgrading through Technological Innovation, and Promoting Transformation." The report comprehensively summarized the achievements of the past year, focusing on the "Four Reshaping" initiatives. It conducted a benchmarking analysis of the industry, identified shortcomings, and conducted a deep analysis of the favorable conditions and unfavorable factors affecting future development. The report clearly outlined the direction for the year 2024, deployed key tasks, and effectively enhanced the confidence and determination of the attendees to accomplish the strategic goals of the 14th Five-Year Plan. CEO Jing emphasized that in 2024, CR Building Materials Technology should strive to catch up and win championships. They should enter the game with a fighting posture, resolutely implement the "1313" and "595" strategic initiatives, fight and win the "Five Major Battles," and effectively implement the "Five Guarantees." They should reduce costs throughout the value chain to regain cost advantages. Additionally, they should focus on the holding market strategy to enhance industry status, use the "New Materials Strategic Plan" as a blueprint to achieve transformative results, and focus on improving mindset, capabilities, and work styles to reshape organizational capabilities. They should promote high-quality development by advancing steadily, striving to win the market, and ensuring the completion of all tasks and goals for the year 2024.


During the meeting, Vice President Li Baojun conveyed the spirit of the Group's 2024 work conference, as well as the Group's feedback on the mid-term review and business plan of CR Building Materials Technology's "14th Five-Year Plan" strategy. He comprehensively and thoroughly introduced the overall work direction and key tasks of the Group in 2024. He required all units to maintain strategic determination, firm confidence in development, and pay close attention to the implementation of work to ensure the high-quality completion of all annual targets and tasks.


Vice President Chen Anguo disseminated information on safety laws and regulations, as well as the key EHS work for the year. He provided a detailed interpretation of the recently issued safety production regulations by higher authorities and arranged the specific safety production work for 2024. General Manager Zhang Ling of the Holding Human Resources Department disseminated information on human resources management, performance evaluation, and incentive policies. This aimed to further establish a favorable situation of "promotion for the capable, rewards for the excellent, demotion for the mediocre, and elimination for the inferior," and lay the foundation for inspiring cadres to shoulder new missions and demonstrate new achievements.


This year marks the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, a crucial year for achieving the goals of the "14th Five-Year Plan," and the beginning of a new journey for China Resources Building Materials Technology. It is destined to be a year of great significance in the history of building materials technology development. Guided by Xi Jinping's Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, CR Building Materials Technology will comprehensively implement the spirit of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Central Economic Work Conference. It will resolutely implement the tasks and deployments of the Group, solidly promote the Holding's "14th Five-Year Plan" strategy, firmly believe in its goals, work diligently, continuously improve its own capabilities, enhance core competitiveness, navigate through industry cycles, and lay the foundation, pave the way, and build bridges for the next twenty years under the Holding. It will strive unremittingly to make CR Building Materials Technology a respected world-class building materials technology enterprise!

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

Chairman Ji Youhong delivered a concluding speech
CEO Jing Shiqing delivers the 2024 work report
Vice President Li Baojun conveys the spirit of the 2024 work conference of China Resources Group
Vice President Chen Anguo disseminates safety laws and regulations and highlights the key EHS work for the year
External Director Zhu Ping's comments
External Director Zhou Bo's comments
External director Yang Changyi's comments
On-site of the meeting
Belt conveyor hiking activity
Group photo
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