
Director Bai Yong of the CR Group conveyed Spring Festival greetings at Dongguan China Resources Cement Factory
Writing time:2024-02-01

On January 30th, Director Bai Yong from China Resources Group visited China Resources Building Materials Technology's cement Factory in Dongguan to conveyed Spring Festival greetings.


Director Bai Yong and his delegation visited the on-site production line of Dongguan Cement's vertical mill, CNC center, factory wharf, shipping, and physical inspection team to understand the grassroots party building, operational management, supply to Hong Kong, and safety production of Dongguan Cement. They also warmly visited the frontline staff on duty, inquiring about their work and living conditions. Director Bai Yong expressed gratitude for their contributions to the company's development and presented holiday gifts, extending warm greetings and sincere Chinese New Year wishes to them.


Director Bai Yong fully recognizes the achievements of Dongguan Cement in 2023. As the first cement plant invested by China Resources in mainland China, Dongguan Cement should uphold the "entrepreneurial spirit" and "innovative spirit", shoulder its mission and responsibilities, and accelerate the transformation, upgrading, and high-quality development of the enterprise. It should focus on the work of the production and operation center and strengthen party building, deepen the construction of the "Runni Vanguard" party brand, and enhance the political and organizational functions of the party branch. He emphasized the importance of doing a good job in EHS (Environment, Health, and Safety) work at the end of the year and the beginning of the year, closely monitoring risks in key areas, ensuring the implementation and refinement of safety production work, and ensuring the safety management of employees during the Spring Festival to ensure a safe and peaceful holiday for everyone.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Director Bai Yong communicates cordially with frontline employees


Director Bai Yong expressed solicitude to frontline employees

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