
CR Building Materials Technology Wins Multiple Awards Including "CR Group 2022-2023 Intelligent and Digitalization Demonstration Enterprise"
Writing time:2024-01-12

On December 22, CR Group held its 2023 Cyber Security and Informatization Work Conference in Shenzhen. During the conference, several awards were presented to recognize the CR Group's 2023 Intelligent and Digitalization Demonstration Enterprise, Model Grassroots Unit, Outstanding Projects, and Outstanding Individuals. CR Building Materials Technology received multiple awards.


During the conference, Chairman Wang Xiangming delivered a keynote speech titled "Empowering with Networks, Defining a Digitally Beautiful CR," in which he put forward new requirements for the cyber and information security work of the group. The conference featured special reports on the mid-term review of the group's "14th Five-Year Plan" Intelligent and Digitalization Strategy and the group's network ideology work. Awards were presented to recognize the CR Group's 2023 Intelligent and Digitalization Demonstration Enterprise, Model Grassroots Unit, Outstanding Projects, and Outstanding Individuals. CR Building Materials Technology was honored with the "CR Group 2022-2023 Intelligent and Digitalization Demonstration Enterprise" award, while the Intelligent Diagnostic Center project received the "CR Group 2022-2023 Excellent Intelligent and Digitalization Project" award. Additionally, two employees were recognized as Outstanding Individuals in the field of intelligent and digitalization.


In recent years, CR Building Materials Technology has been committed to driving quality improvement and efficiency through digitalization, continuously enhancing its core competitiveness. It has successfully built the world's first "Lighthouse Factory" in the global building materials industry, shouldering the responsibility of integrating innovation in "5G+ Industrial Internet." Tailored specifically for the building materials industry, the company has developed the "Runfeng Intelligent Technology" vertical industry Industrial Internet platform. It has independently developed multiple digital solutions and application products, winning more than ten national and provincial-level awards.


In the future, CR Building Materials Technology will thoroughly implement the work arrangements of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission and the group. Internally, it will focus on industrial transformation and upgrading, widely promoting the successful experience of the Tianyang "Lighthouse Factory" to empower high-quality development through the "Lighthouse Network." Externally, it will play a leading role in digitalization, igniting new momentum for the digital transformation and upgrading of the building materials industry.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Conference Venue


CR Building Materials Technology Wins "CR Group 2022-2023 Intelligent and Digitalization Demonstration Enterprise" Award

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