
Xinhua Da Building Materials' 3 Million Ton Aggregate Production Project Officially Commences
Writing time:2023-12-14

On December 10th, the concentrated groundbreaking ceremony for the key projects of the fourth quarter of 2023, including Xinhua Da Green Building Materials Project, was held at Shaanxi Xinhua Da Building Materials Co., Ltd. More than 120 leaders and guests attended the ceremony, including Zhao Xiaoning, Deputy Secretary of the Shaanxi Shangluo Municipal Committee, Yang Changjiang, Secretary of Luonan County Committee, Fang Dejun, Deputy Secretary and County Governor of Luonan County, Cai Xiang, Vice President of China Resources Building Materials Technology, and Cheng Shi, General Manager of South China Region. The ceremony was presided over by Yang Changjiang, Secretary of Luonan County Committee.


Xinhua Da Green Building Materials Project is the first project to commence construction since CR Cement officially changed its name to China Resources Building Materials Technology on December 8, 2023. Xinhua Da Building Materials will carry forward the spirit of "entrepreneurship," "innovation," and "four excellence," overcome challenges, innovate management, and strive to build the project into a "five-transformation" factory that is scaled, green, integrated, digitalized, and safe. They will continue to strengthen cooperation between the central enterprises and local governments, promote mutual benefits, win-win outcomes, and high-quality development.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Groundbreaking Ceremony Scene


Speech by Yang Changjiang, Secretary of Luonan County Committee


Zhao Xiaoning, the Deputy Secretary of the Shangluo Municipal Party Committee, announced the start of construction


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