
Hongshui River Cement's 3-Million-Ton Aggregate Project Successfully Completed and Commences Production
Writing time:2023-11-28

On the morning of November 21st, the commissioning ceremony for the Hongshui River Cement 3-million-ton Aggregate Project was held in Binyang County, Nanning, Guangxi. More than 40 representatives, including the Hongshui River Cement management team, project construction team, as well as representatives from design, construction, and supervision units, attended the ceremony.


At the ceremony, Mr. Su Xinghui, the General Manager of Hongshui River Cement, announced that the company's 3 million-ton aggregate project has been completed and put into operation. Amidst the booming firecrackers, the first batch of aggregates was successfully shipped from the factory.


In January 2023, Hongshui River Cement successfully bid for the mining rights of Longma Mountain in Binyang County, Nanning, Guangxi, at a base price of 150 million RMB. The mine has a usable resource reserve of 75.93 million tons. The project started comprehensive construction in July 2023, overcoming various unfavorable factors such as rainy weather. After 4 months of continuous hard work, the project achieved the goal of smooth production in the same year as the start of construction.


The total investment of the project is about 200 million RMB, with a designed annual production of 3 million tons of highquality aggregate. The completion of the project not only strengthens and expands Hongshui River Cement's aggregate business but also enhances its market competitiveness, injecting strong new momentum into the company's transformation and development.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Ceremony site


First batch of aggregates is shipped out of the factory


Ceremony group photo

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