
China Resources Cement's "Product" - Aerospace Breeding of Bamboo Materials Successfully Returns to Earth on Shenzhou-16 Manned Spaceship
Writing time:2023-10-31

On October 31st, the selected space bamboo test-tube seedlings, cultivated jointly by China Resources Cement and the Aerospace Shenzhou Biological Technology Group, were successfully transported back to Earth on the Shenzhou-16 manned spaceship after undergoing space-induced mutations. This marks a new milestone in the research and development work of using space bamboo for energy-saving and carbon reduction by both parties.


To promote energy conservation and carbon reduction in enterprises, CR Cement has been collaborating with Aerospace Biology since 2022 to conduct fundamental technical research and development on optimizing biomass fuel crops, specifically bamboo, in space. The selected bamboo seedlings, which underwent space mutation breeding, were brought back to Earth successfully after a 5-month space journey on May 30th this year by the Shenzhou-16 manned spacecraft. Biomass energy, as a renewable energy source, ranks fourth after coal, oil, and natural gas. As a clean, carbon-negative energy source, it plays a significant role in the entire energy system. Its utilization is gradually shifting towards non-food biofuels, making it an important pathway towards achieving carbon neutrality.


Currently, CR Cement has designated the backfill area of the Tianyang Production Plant limestone mine as an experimental site for the cultivation of space bamboo. Research has shown that space bamboo grows faster, with stronger plants and higher yields compared to ordinary bamboo. After harvesting, it can be easily processed into alternative fuel. Its combustion heat is 10-20% higher than conventional biomass, and its burning speed is comparable to that of bituminous coal. Therefore, it is an excellent biomass fuel crop with superior performance.


In recent years, CR Cement has been continuously striving in the field of carbon peak and carbon neutrality. With the "3C" process of low-carbon at the source, carbon reduction in the process, and decarbonization at the end as the core technology, it adheres to the green and low-carbon development path, injects green energy into industrial development, and actively assists in achieving the "dual carbon" goal. In the future, CR Cement and Aerospace ShenZhou Biological Technology Group will continue to conduct research on space bamboo space mutation breeding and the development of excellent new varieties, effectively promoting the large-scale application of space bamboo as a biomass fuel.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Spaceborne Verification


The production status of space bamboo after 5 months of cultivation

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