
China Resources Cement Successfully Hosts 2023 Reverse Roadshow Event
Writing time:2023-10-05

From September 24th to 26th, China Resources Cement held its 2023 annual reverse roadshow event at the Tianyang Production Plant in Guangxi. The purpose of the event was to communicate China Resources Cement's green, low-carbon, and technological development concepts, as well as to introduce the company's transformation and renaming. CEO Jing Shiqing and CFO Tan Ying attended the event.


During the media reverse roadshow event on September 24th and 25th, CEO Jing Shiqing conducted a media interview with the theme "New Name, New Starting Point, New Technology: Building a Better Future, Embracing the New". He discussed the industry's development situation and new strategies, sharing the profound logic behind China Resources Cement's transformation and development and provided a comprehensive overview of the company's intelligent transformation and ESG initiatives.


Subsequently, the media delegation visited the intelligent factory, smart mine, and other application scenarios. They received a presentation on digital transformation, gaining a comprehensive understanding of the company's implementation of social responsibility and the practical application of advanced technologies.


During the reverse roadshow event on September 25th and 26th, the participants had the opportunity to visit various sites, including unmanned mining vehicles, intelligent logistics, and the coordinated disposal project for urban and rural household waste. This allowed them to gain in-depth understanding of the transformation and development journey of China Resources Group's first "Six-Star Benchmark Factory" - Tianyang Cement, which has achieved 5G coverage and full automation. During the management discussion session, investors were briefed on the reasons for the proposed renaming of the company and its future development plans. There was also extensive exchange of information regarding the company's operational status among the attendees.


This reverse roadshow event received widespread praise, with invited media, analysts, and investors highly recognizing the company's efforts in actively promoting the deep integration of digital technology and manufacturing. They expressed deep admiration for the company's achievements. In the future, China Resources Cement will continue to strengthen communication and exchanges with the media and capital markets, continuously improve its value creation capabilities, accelerate its intelligent transformation, enhance value delivery, promote sustainable and high-quality development, and effectively improve the quality of listed companies.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


CEO Jing Shiqing's Interview with the Media


Visit Tianyang Cement Urban and Rural Domestic Waste Co-processing Project


Analyst Roundtable Discussion Scene



Group photo of reverse roadshow event

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