
China Resources Cement has been selected for the "Central Enterprise Listed Company ESG Pioneer 100 Index"
Writing time:2023-09-26

On September 23rd, the 6th China Enterprise Forum parallel forum "Practicing ESG Concepts, Creating First-Class Enterprises - Central Enterprise ESG Forum", guided by the Social Responsibility Bureau of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council and organized by the China Social Responsibility 100 Forum, was held in Jinan, Shandong Province. The conference released the "Central Enterprise Listed Companies ESG Blue Book (2023)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Blue Book") and the "Central Enterprise ESG Pioneer 100 Index". CR Cement ranked 21st with a four-and-a-half-star rating, rising 20 places from the previous year. The collaborative disposal practice of "Cement Kilns as 'Purifiers' Exploring New Paths for Corporate Pollution Reduction and Carbon Emission Reduction" was selected as an outstanding ESG case. 

The "Blue Book" evaluates 441 centrally-controlled listed companies as its assessment objects. It conducts comprehensive evaluations based on public and third-party information, analyzing the ESG governance level, social and environmental value creation, and risk management level of these companies. The top 100 companies are included in the "Central Enterprise ESG Pioneer 100 Index," which provides important reference for the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council in promoting ESG work in centrally-controlled listed companies. Several listed companies under the CR Group, such as CR Power, CR Land, CR Pharma, CR Gas, and CR Medical, are included in the list.

On April 28, 2023, China Resources Cement released its first sustainability report with the theme "Companionship and Building Dreams". The report provides a comprehensive disclosure of the company's progress and achievements in the ESG field in 2022. In terms of ecological environment, the company has been working on ecological preservation, environmental protection, safety, and resource utilization. It has continuously deepened its efforts in energy conservation and emission reduction, practiced ecological civilization construction, and promoted green and low-carbon development in the industry. Regarding social responsibility, China Resources Cement actively fulfills its mission to give back to society. It has made solid progress in promoting rural revitalization, contributing to the development of Hong Kong, improving people's well-being, and promoting social harmony. In terms of corporate governance, the company has been consistently promoting ESG initiatives, enhancing awareness of ESG concepts, establishing a sound management system for sustainable development, strengthening corporate information disclosure, and advancing the systematic and standardized development of sustainable business practices.


Looking ahead, China Resources Cement will always adhere to its corporate mission of "providing the public with high-quality products, services, and systematic solutions, promoting green development, leading digital transformation, and achieving lasting success." The company will integrate ESG management into its business operations and embed it within its core business. With ESG as a crucial focus, China Resources Cement will continuously drive sustainable and high-quality development, contributing to the transformation and upgrading of the cement industry in China.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Central Enterprise ESG·Pioneer 100" Certificate


CRC was selected into the list of "ESG Pioneer 100 Index of Central Enterprises"

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