
Huarun Zhizhu Technology (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd. has been successfully completed and put into operation
Writing time:2023-09-08

On September 6th, Huacun Zhizhu Technology (Jiangmen) Co., Ltd. was successfully completed and put into operation. Ji Youhong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Resources Cement, Li Chuanji, Vice President, Tan Shengqian, Deputy Chairman of the Xinhui District Political Consultative Conference in Jiangmen City, and Lian Qingming, Secretary of the Yamen Town Committee in Xinhui District, attended the production ceremony. Gao Qiang, Deputy General Manager of Jiangmen Zhizhu Technology, presided over the ceremony, and Chairman Ji Youhong announced the official completion and operation of the project.


Chairman Ji Youhong expressed gratitude in his speech to the leaders at all levels in Xinhui District who have long supported China Resources Cement, as well as the partners, construction parties, and friends from all walks of life. He also paid tribute to the builders who have worked tirelessly on the project for the past three years. He pointed out that although the precast component business is currently facing challenges due to industry policies, the Xinhui District Committee and Government have high expectations for the development of prefabricated projects in Jiangmen. China Resources Cement has the foundation, confidence, and capability to contribute more wisdom and strength to support the high-quality development of Xinhui District. He emphasized that during this critical period of stabilizing and upgrading the economy and transforming the industry, China Resources Cement will continue to play a leading role as a central enterprise, maintain confidence in industry development, actively adapt to changes in the times and circumstances, proactively respond to new challenges, and promote the implementation of industrial policies. The company will promptly adjust its business strategies by continuously promoting technological innovation and product research and development, strengthening lean management, effectively reducing cost inputs, improving product quality, and supporting the steady and far-reaching development of the industry in terms of green, low-carbon, and high-quality. This will drive local employment, increase tax revenue, raise residents' income levels, and promote steady economic growth in the region.


The Jiangmen Zhizhu Technology project mainly involves the construction of a precast component factory with an annual designed production capacity of 50,000 cubic meters and a cement transfer station with an annual throughput of 600,000 tons. The project started its main construction in August 2021, and the trial production began in November 2022. It has now met the conditions for formal production and operation.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Ceremony site


Chairman Ji Youhong delivered a speech


Start the gantry crane equipment

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