
Deputy Secretary of Meizhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor Wang Hui Visits China Resources Cement
Writing time:2023-09-04

On August 31st, Wang Hui, the Deputy Secretary of the Meizhou Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, visited the headquarters of China Resources Cement in Shenzhen. Wang Hui had a discussion with Ji Youhong, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Resources Cement, where they extensively explored the Meizhou Wuhua Circular Economy Industrial Park project and the Pingyuan County China Resources Calcium-based New Materials Industrial Park (Phase I) project.


Mayor Wang Hui first visited the digital management center of China Resources Cement and highly recognized the achievements of their digitalization efforts.


Chairman Ji Youhong welcomed Mayor Wang Hui's visit and expressed gratitude for the support and assistance provided by the Meizhou Municipal Party Committee and Government to the business development of China Resources Cement in Meizhou. He stated that China Resources Cement will accelerate the implementation of the two projects and strive for early production and effectiveness. He hopes that China Resources Cement, taking advantage of its business development in Meizhou, will further establish a foothold in the eastern Guangdong region and contribute to the high-quality economic and social development of Meizhou.


Mayor Wang Hui expressed his gratitude to China Resources Cement for their concern and support for the economic and social development of Meizhou City. He stated that accelerating project construction, ensuring project work is solid and excellent, promoting early implementation and effectiveness of projects, and jointly improving the local economic level are common goals of the Meizhou Municipal Government and China Resources Cement. He hopes that both parties will further deepen practical cooperation, achieve mutual benefit and win-win results, and work together to create a benchmark project for central-local cooperation.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Meeting Venue


Chairman Ji Youhong's speech


Mayor Wang Hui's speech


Group photo

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