
China Resources Cement Holds Unveiling Ceremony of "Run Lab" in Guangzhou
Writing time:2023-08-22

On August 15th, China Resources Cement held the unveiling ceremony of "Run Lab" at Guangzhou Technology R&D Co., Ltd. Ji Youhong, Chairman of the Board of China Resources Cement, and Vice Presidents Li Baojun, Li Chuanji, and Jiang Muchuan jointly unveiled the laboratory.


In his speech, Lin Yongquan, General Manager of the Holding Technology Innovation Department, expressed his gratitude to the Holding and various units for their long-term help and support on behalf of the Science and Technology Innovation Department. He stated that in response to the laboratory's "de-administration" requirements and to establish the laboratory's professional and brand image, the Holding has unitedly named the Science and Technology Innovation Department's R&D laboratory as "Run Lab". "Run Lab" is derived from "China Resources" and "blue sky". The word "blue" not only represents "RunFast Blue", but also contains the meaning of "Blue Ocean", which means that we hope to create a blue ocean in the red ocean through R&D innovation to complete the important task of China Resources Cement's current business transformation. The laboratory will accelerate its construction pace, vigorously introduce and cultivate excellent scientific research talents, and strive towards the goal of becoming a "world-class laboratory".


Chairman Ji Youhong congratulated the establishment of "Run Lab" in his speech and fully recognized the achievements of the laboratory in the past 12 years. He emphasized that "Run Lab" should continue to strengthen the construction of the scientific and technological talent team and enhance its scientific and technological innovation capabilities. The laboratory should continue to improve its scientific research mechanism, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of R&D personnel, closely focus on the transformation of new materials in cement holdings, and better play the role of technical think tank. The laboratory should integrate internal and external resources, and explore a new pattern of collaborative R&D. He pointed out that he hopes to open a new journey and undertake a new mission with the efforts of all parties, and build "Run Lab" into a world-class material R&D laboratory, contributing to the R&D strength for China Resources Cement to become a "world-class building materials enterprise respected by all".

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Chairman Ji Youhong's speech


Group Photo

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