
Chairman Gao Dengbang of the China Cement Association visited China Resources Cement
Writing time:2023-08-04

On August 2nd, Gao Dengbang, Chairman of the China Cement Association, visited China Resources Cement. Ji Yonghong, Chairman of the Board, and Jing Shiqing, CEO of China Resources Cement, held a discussion with Chairman Gao Dengbang and his delegation. Both parties conducted in-depth discussions on the national cement industry's operational situation, the development of the cement industry in the Guangdong-Guangxi region, industrial transformation, and industry self-discipline.


Chairman Gao Dengbang and his delegation visited the Digital Management Center of China Resources Cement, where they were briefed on China Resources Cement's vivid practices in creating green and intelligent factories, and highly appreciated CRC's achievement in technological innovation, green development, and digital applications.


Chairman Ji Youhong warmly welcomed Chairman Gao Dengbang's visit to China Resources Cement and expressed gratitude for his affirmation of China Resources Cement's development. He provided an overview of China Resources Cement's current development situation and shared the company's experience in carbon trading, particularly in relation to Guangdong's role as a carbon trading pilot, and expressed his views on issues such as stable growth, capacity reduction, and the pursuit of green, low-carbon, and high-quality development in the cement industry, and both parties conducted in-depth discussions and exchanges on these topics.


Chairman Gao Dengbang fully affirmed the remarkable achievements of China Resources Cement in rapid development and its proactive efforts in fulfilling social responsibilities and maintaining the healthy and stable development of he industry. He pointed out that in the current economic downturn and insufficient demand in the cement industry, there are challenges to its stable development. At this time, central enterprises and state-owned enterprises must take on responsibility and become the backbone force in safeguarding the stable development of the industry. Large enterprises should take initiative in studying and exploring major issues that affect the industry's development, such as capacity reduction, stable growth, and carbon trading.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Visit to China Resources Cement Digital Management Center


Speech by Chairman Gao Dengbang


Speech by Chairman Ji Youhong


Group Photo

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