
China Resources Cement was successfully selected as the 2023 Audit Digitalization “Pilot” Benchmark Case
Writing time:2023-08-04

Recently, the results of the 2023 Internal Audit Digitalization "Pilot" Case selection activity, guided by the China Institute of Internal Audit and hosted by China Academy of Information and Communications Technology, were announced. China Resources Cement's case of "From Existence to Excellence, Exploring the Construction of an Audit Meta-Model Mode that Allows Free Combination and One-Click Generation" stood out among the 100+ cases submitted by large enterprises and institutions, and was successfully selected as a benchmark case in the field of audit models.


On July 27th, the 2nd Digital Audit Forum was held in Beijing, during the Forum, the ceremony for the release of the 2023 Internal Audit Digital Transformation "Pilot" Case took place. Luan Xiaoyan, the General Manager of the Audit Department of China Resources Group, attended the event and delivered a speech on-site. Zhang shu, the Chief Auditor of China Resources Cement, accepted the award on behalf of the cement sector and engaged in communication and exchanges with leaders of the Group's Audit Department, leaders from the China Academy of Information and Communication Technology, and other institutions, as well as experts.


This Award is another honor for China Resources Cement following its previous recognition in 2022 by the China Institute of Internal Audit and the China Academy of Information and Communications Technology. Currently, the digital transformation of the cement audit has made initial progress and achieved results, in the future, it will further deepen and solidify research-oriented auditing, and accelerate the advancement of digital auditing towards greater depths!

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Awards Ceremony


Award Certificate

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