
China Resources Cement successfully held the second Science and Technology Innovation Forum
Writing time:2023-07-16

On July 14th, China Resources Cement successfully held the 2nd Science and Technology Innovation Forum with the theme "Empowerment of Technology and Innovation Promotes Development" at Guangzhou Learning and Innovation Center. The event was attended by notable individuals such as Cheng Huiming, a member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shen Xiaodong, a professor at Nanjing University of Technology, Chen Lei, deputy general manager of the Science and Technology Innovation Department of China Resources Group, Yang Hongbing, vice president of Huaxin Cement, Ji Youhong, the chairman of the board of directors of China Resources Cement, Jing Shiqing, the CEO of CR Cement, the EHS department of the group, Learning and Innovation Center, China Resources Environmental Protection, China Resources Power, China Resources Gas, and other leaders from group departments and business units. The forum was also live-streamed to all cement employees.


In his speech, CEO Jing Shiqing welcomed the arrival of Academician Cheng Huiming and various experts and leaders. He pointed out that he hopes to promote the scientific and technological progress of CR Cement through this Science and Technology Forum and create an innovative atmosphere of "respecting knowledge and respecting talents". He stressed that it is necessary to encourage and develop cross-departmental and interdisciplinary academic exchanges, scientific and technological exchanges, and talent exchanges, accelerate the implementation of innovation-driven development strategies, based on the present and focus on the long term, and create a favorable environment for seizing opportunities and meeting challenges in new forms.


Chairman Ji Youhong put forward three requirements for the scientific and technological innovation work of China Resources Cement in his closing speech: firstly, enhance the political positioning and strengthen the core position of technological innovation, creating a fertile ground for technological innovation; secondly, make a practical search for benchmarking and learning from others, formulating strategies, seeking innovation, and concentrating efforts to tackle major issues; thirdly, build a strong scientific and technological innovation team and establish a sound incentive mechanism for technological innovation, create a favorable environment for innovative talents to excel and showcase their talents. Chairman Ji emphasized that China Resources Cement should act early, strive to seize the development opportunities of new materials, accelerate innovation transformation and digitalization, and intelligent construction, strengthen new product research and development, model innovation and brand building, and focus on key areas such as carbon neutrality, intelligent manufacturing, and new materials.


During the forum, the unveiling ceremony of the "China Resources Cement-China Resources Environmental Protection Energy-saving Technology Innovation Alliance" was held. In the future, China Resources Cement and China Resources Environmental Protection will engage in deep collaboration in the field of green building materials.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Meeting Venue


Speech by CEO Jing Shiqing


Academician Cheng Huiming made an academic report


Professor Shen Xiaodong made an academic report


General Manager Yang Hongbing made an academic report


Unveiling photo


Chairman Ji Youhong made a closing speech


Group photo

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