
China Resources Cement and China Gezhouba Group Supply Chain Management Company Limited Signed a Strategic Cooperation Agreement
Writing time:2023-07-13

On July 6th, China Resources Cement signed a strategic cooperation agreement with Gezhouba Group Supply Chain Management Co., Ltd. Li Wei, Vice President of CR Cement, and Cai Guozhong, General Manager of supply chain of Gezhouba Group, signed the contract on behalf of both parties.


Li Wei warmly welcomed the arrival of Cai Guozhong and his delegation, and introduced the basic information of CR Cement. He mentioned that the supply chains of China Resources Cement and Gezhouba Group overlap in many business areas and have certain advantages in guaranteeing supply. He expected that the two parties will take this signing as a new starting point, actively coordinate resources from multiple parties, give full play to their respective advantages, continue to strengthen communication and exchanges, and continue to tap into all-round and multi-level cooperation in cement, concrete, aggregates, digitalization etc., so as to achieve mutual benefit and promote the high-quality development of both parties.


Cai Guozhong introduced the basic information of Gezhouba Group Supply Chain Company. He mentioned that Gezhouba, as a supplier of engineering materials, has dual advantages in the industrial chain and supply chain, and there are many projects under construction in the Southern region. He hoped that the two parties will take basic building materials as the entry point for cooperation, deepen cooperation in structural building materials, functional building materials, digitalization and other fields, establish a long-term communication mechanism, deepen business synergy, complement each other’s advantages, and promote bilateral cooperation to a new level.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

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Cai Guozhong delivering a speech

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Li Wei delivering a speech

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Agreement Signing

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