
"Riding on the Momentum, Run to Win the Future" China Resources Cement's 2023 Brand Anniversary Celebration and Customer Appreciation Conference was successfully held
Writing time:2023-07-03

On June 28th, CR Cement's 2023 Brand Annual Celebration and Customer Appreciation Meeting was successfully held at China Resources Learning and Innovation Center in Xiaojingwan, Huizhou. More than 110 people attended the event, including Ji Youhong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Resources Cement, Jing Shiqing, CEO of China Resources Cement, management of CR Cement Holdings, heads of the Functional Building Materials Division andmajor regions, as well as customer representatives.

On behalf of CR Cement, CEO Jing Shiqing expressed the most sincere welcome to all partners in his opening speech, and thanked all employees and customers for not being afraid of difficulties and obstacles in 2022, maintaining strategic determination, and calmly coping with challenges. He extended a sincere invitation to all partners, hoping that everyone would join hands with China Resources Cement to seize new opportunities for market changes and "Riding on the momentum, Run to Win the Future". 

Li Wei, Vice President of China Resources Cement, shared and exchanged views on the construction of CR Cement's "big marketing system". He said that in the future, CR Cement will be committed to satisfying the needs of customers for multi-category products and one-stop purchases, building a marketing system of "resource sharing, efficient management, coordinated development and win-win cooperation" to achieve mutual benefit and win-win results with customers and promote cooperation to a new level.


Interspersed with songs, dances, sitcom and other wonderful performances, the event fully demonstrated the positive spirit of all employees of CR Cement with high morale and hard work, and conveyed the confidence and determination to firmly promote the transformation, innovation and development of the company in the "14th Five-Year-Plan".


The event held the 2022 Excellent Customer Commendation Ceremony at the same time, and invited customer representatives to share their growth insights on achieving historic breakthroughs and leapfrog development with CR Cement and its two major product brands of "Runfeng"and "Runpin".


Ji Youhong, Chairmand of CR Cement, made a closing speech from three aspects: the transformation and new development of CR Cement, the construction of a big marketing system, and the win-win situation with customers. He emphasized that we should work hand in hand with customers, adhere to the original intention of "quality as the core and customer as the centre", and use the "big marketing system" as the channel to provide higher quality products, services and systematic solutions for the country's urban construction in the new era, and take faster and more stable steps to promote the high-quality development of the industry chain and ecosystem.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

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Event site

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CEO Jing Shiqing delivered a welcome speech

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Vice President Li Wei made a sharing on "Big Marketing System Construction"

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Excellent customer commendation

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Staff performances

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Chairman Ji Youhong made a closing speech

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Group photo of all participants

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