
“Runpin” participated in the 23rd China Xiamen International Stone Exhibition
Writing time:2023-06-08

On June 5th, the 23rd China Xiamen International Stone Exhibition held in Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center, China Resources Cement participated in the exhibition with its "Runpin" brand. Ji Youhong, Chairman of the Board of director of CR cement, Huang Ting, and Li Wei, Vice Presidents, attended the exhibition and had in-depth exchanges with Qi Zigang, Executive Vice President of China Stone Material Association, and Zhu Xinsheng, Chairman of Universal Marble & Granite Group Ltd.


The theme of the exhibition hall of "Runpin" is "Leading the trend in the name of Run", focusing on display more high-quality stone products after iterative upgrades, and constantly explore the infinite possibilities of creating an ideal space with stone. Through the new live broadcast mode, "Runpin" will carry out live broadcast linkage of Xiamen International Stone Exhibition, Shenzhen "Runpinhui" Exhibition Hall, Dongguan Changping Exhibition Hall and Shandong "Runhe" Exhibition Hall, guiding customers and visitors to visit the exhibition halls in an all-round way and experience the exquisite manufacturing techniques derived from CR Cement.

The opening and award ceremony of the 6th "Huabiao Cup" High Quality Stone Decoration Engineering Project theme exhibition was successfully held in Xiamen International Convention and Exhibition Center at the same time, and the Xi'an International Convention and Exhibition Center Project built by Shenzhen Runfeng New Material Technology Co., Ltd, a subsidiary of CR Cement, won the Gold Award, which is also the first time that artificial stone enterprises won the "Huabiao Cup" award.


During the exhibition, Vice President Huang Ting led a team to investigate the Shuitou stone distribution center in Fujian, visited local representative stone traders, and learned about the relevant situation of the stone slab market on the spot.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

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Chairman Ji Youhong visited Runpin Exhibition Hall

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Chairman Ji Youhong, Vice President Huang Ting and Qi Zigang, Executive Vice President of China Stone Material Association

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Chairman Ji Youhong had a cordial conversation with Chairman Zhu Xinsheng of Universal Marble & Granite Group Ltd.

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Runpin won the "Huabiao Cup" Gold Award

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Vice President Huang Ting led a team to survey at Fujian Shuitou Stone Distribution Center

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