
China Resources Cement and China West Construction enter into strategic cooperation framework agreement
Writing time:2023-05-23

On May 20, China Resources Cement and China West Construction Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: China West Construction) signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement in Shenzhen. Ji Youhong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of China Resources Cement, and Bai Jianjun, general manager of China West Construction, attended the ceremony. Mr. Jing Shiqing, CEO of China Resources Cement, and Mr. Li Mingjie, Deputy General Manager of China West Construction signed the agreement on behalf of both parties. 

Chairman Ji Youhong extended his warm welcome to general manager Bai Jianjun and his delegation. He pointed out that this cooperation is a strong alliance with complementary advantages, and expected both parties to take this signing as a new starting point for cooperation, give full play to their respective advantages, continue to strengthen communication, continuously deepen practical cooperation in the field of building materials, jointly create a model of cooperation between central State-owned enterprises, and fully promote the green transformation and high-quality development of enterprises.


CEO Jing Shiqing introduced in detail the development of China Resources Cement in the four major business areas: basic building materials, structural building materials, functional building materials and new materials. He expressed that in the future, China Resources Cement would actively coordinate its resources and constantly expand the all-round cooperation with China West Construction, promoting the implementation of the strategic agreement between the two parties to be effective.


General manager Bai Jianjun expressed his gratitude to China Resources Cement for its long-standing trust and support to China West Construction, and introduced in detail the establishment background and development of China West Construction. He expressed that a solid foundation for cooperation has been laid between both parties through sufficient communication and deepening mutual trust in the early stage. He hoped that both parties will take this cooperation as an opportunity to carry out pragmatic cooperation in cement, concrete, aggregates, new materials and other business fields, establish a long-term communication mechanism, strengthen business synergies and complement each other's strengths, and promote the completion of more cooperation achievements and high-quality projects, so as to achieve strong alliance and mutual benefit and win-win results.


Pursuant to the agreement, both parties will, based on the principle of "long-term perspective and joint development", give play to and integrate their respective resources and advantages to carry out in-depth cooperation in various fields including cement, concrete and industrial Internet digitalization.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

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Meeting Venue

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Speech by Chairman Ji Youhong

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Speech by President Jing Shiqing

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Speech by General Manager Bai Jianjun

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Agreement Signing

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