
Lu Zhiyuan, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People's Congress and Chairman of the Provincial FTU, leads a team to Jinjiang Grinding Station for survey and guidance
Writing time:2023-05-17

On 15 May, Lu Zhiyuan, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hainan Provincial People's Congress and chairman of the Provincial Federation of Trade Unions, led a team to Jinjiang Grinding Station of China Resources Cement (Changjiang) Limited to survey the progress of construction of industrial workers and the development of employee service positions.


The survey team conducted on-site survey at the innovation studios, workers home, cultural corridor, central control room, laboratory building, on-site production groups and other areas of Jinjiang Grinding Station, debriefed attentively on China Resources' enterprise culture, the construction of trade union organizations, the achievements of the innovation studios, care for employees, etc., and inquire in detail about the progress and status of the Company in its political guidance, the construction of industrial workers, the development of employee service positions, etc.. Chairman Lu Zhiyuan highly affirmed the accountability afforded by Jinjiang Grinding Station as a central State-owned enterprises under new circumstances, and believed that Jinjiang Grinding Station could serve as a model pilot for the construction of primary organizations of the county trade union as a result of its ability to create a characteristic brand combined with actual operation of the company, serve the local policies, and lead the industry.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

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 Survey the Central Control Room 

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     Survey the Innovation Studios

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Survey the Cultural Corridor

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