
China Resources Cement held the 2022 annual results press conference and media meeting
Writing time:2023-03-23

On 20 March, China Resources Cement held 2022 annual results presentation. Ji Youhong, Chairman of Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer of China Resources Cement and Tan Ying, Chief Financial Officer of China Resources Cement, attended the presentation at China Resources Building in Hong Kong. The presentation attracted more than 30 analysts and fund managers from domestic and international financial institutions, including Capital Group, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, Citi, Macquarie, Credit Suisse, CICC, CITIC Securities and CISI. The senior management presented the Company's annual results, industry development, market outlook, competition pattern, cost control, new business development, ESG and new evaluation on state-owned enterprises. Madam Tan Ying expressed at the presentation that, In the face of the decline in the industry and the shortage of funds, CR Cement continued to deepen working capital management, effectively control operational risks, adopt prudent management policies for financial resources, and control borrowing and capital expenditure at a healthy level.


In the concluding remarks, Chairman Ji Youhong emphasized that, China Resources Cement will continue to reinforce the three core strengths of “l(fā)eading market position in the region, innovation-driven development, lowest total costs”; develop the four major business segments of basic building materials, structural building materials, functional building materials and new materials; focus on the management theme of "systematic reshaping and high-quality development" and conduct mid-term strategic review; practice the development model of "resources, R&D, and industry", concentrate on the "4+1" business portfolio, optimize resource allocation as well as invest precisely and effectively, Accelerate the transformation to intelligence, digitalization and greenization. China Resources Cement will continue to improve operational efficiency and quality, deepen brand promotion and channel construction, fulfill corporate social responsibility to actively promote carbon peaking and carbon neutrality, and promote the green and sustainable development of the industry. In accordance with the national “14th Five-Year Plan”, the Outline of long-term goals for 2035 and the regional development strategies, China Resources Cement is confident in the medium and long-term demand of the building materials industry. In the future, China Resources Cement will continue to optimize the layout of the industrial chain, expand the strategic regions, accelerate the pace of transformation and innovation, and inject persistent momentum into the high-quality development.


The media meeting after the results meeting was attended by 9 media including Phoenix TV, Radio Television Hong Kong and South China Morning Post. During the meeting, the management introduced the operation and development direction of CR Cement, as well as the company's outstanding performance in production safety, green environmental protection, R&D and innovation. The conference was also broadcast simultaneously to individual investors in Mainland China and Hong Kong through the Futu Securities Live Streaming Platform. The media and investors generally reacted positively to the company's outlook, and “Phoenix Focus News" reported positively at 18:00 that evening.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


The scene of the results conference


Chairman Ji Youhong communicates with analysts


Futu Securities APP broadcast this media meeting online


Received positive coverage from mainstream media in Hong Kong

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