
Pingnan Cement was successfully selected into the "2022 Industrial Internet Pilot Demonstration List" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
Writing time:2023-03-01

Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the "2022 Industrial Internet Pilot Demonstration List", and the "5G Fully Connected Factory Empowers Smart Port Application Project" submitted by Pingnan Cement was successfully selected.

The selection aims to further improve the construction and integrated application level of industrial Internet networks, logo, platforms, security and other facilities, explore and promote more new models, new forms of business and new scenarios, and give full play to the important role of industrial Internet in improving quality, reducing costs, increasing efficiency, green development and safety. The "5G Fully Connected Factory Empowers Smart Port Application Project" declared by Pingnan Cement is to deploy a 5G edge computing network in the factory dock area, pre-locate video data and control data to the edge computer room for processing, reduce the end-to-end data transmission delay, meet the needs of business scenarios while optimizing the overall network system performance, strengthen the processing and service capabilities of various sub-business applications of smart port, improve the loading and unloading efficiency of port vessels, gradually reduce the use of manpower, material resources and other resources, and effectively control the risk of safety production, and it has laid a good foundation for the new technical transformation projects in the later stage.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.


Pingnan Cement was selected into the "2022 Industrial Internet Pilot Demonstration List" by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology

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