
Liangtian Cement successfully won the bid for mining right of limestone quarry for cement in Yajiang mining area, Chenzhou
Writing time:2023-02-20

On February 16, the Department of Natural Resources of Hunan Province announced that Liangtian Cement had successfully won the bid for mining right of limestone quarry for cement in Yajiang mining area, Suxian District, Chenzhou City, Hunan Province at a price of RMB156 million.

The mining right of Yajiang mining area won in this bid has a total transfer area of 0.3073 square kilometers, a transfer period of 20 years (including the service life of the mine and 1 year of construction period), and a total of 36.348 million tonnes of mineral resources for the limestone quarry for cement.

Liangtian Cement’s success in winning the mining right this time will effectively break through the bottleneck of limestone resources, meet the future demand for limestone production, lay a solid foundation for the production of new line and the subsequent high-quality development of Liangtian Cement, further improve the market competitiveness and influence of China Resources Cement in Chenzhou, and effectively help the Company to achieve the"14th Five-Year Plan" strategic goals.

In December 2022, Hunan Public Resources Trading Center was entrusted by Department of Natural Resources of Hunan Province to publicly transfer the mining right of limestone quarry for cement in Yajiang mining area through the mining right trading system of Hunan Provincial Public Resources Trading Center. As of 14:00 on February 8, 2023, the listing and quotation time ended, Liangtian Cement finally won the bid for mining right of this mining area.

Please refer to the chinese version for more details.

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Liangtian Cement successfully won the bid for limestone quarry mining rights in Yajiang mining area of Chenzhou

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 Department of Natural Resources of Hunan Province announced the result of the transaction

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