
Chairman Ji Youhong Made an Official Visit to Executive Chairman Kong XiangZhong of China Cement Association
Writing time:2023-02-06

On 1 February, Chairman of the Board and CEO of CR Cement Ji Youhong made an official visit to Kong Xiangzhong, Executive Chairman of China Cement Association. The two parties exchanged in-depth views on the situation of the cement market in 2022 and the future market development trend, key tasks of the industry's supply-side structural reform in 2023, and the synergy of large enterprise groups and industry associations in "dual-carbon" goal, intelligent manufacturing, technology innovation.

At the meeting, Zheng Qinghong, Cheng Shi, Peng Fangqing and Tao Lei of China Resources Cement reported the market situation and development targets of each region, and fully communicated with the participants.

Chairman Ji Youhong expressed his gratitude to the China Cement Association for its long-term support and assistance to CR Cement, especially mentioned that the association held a timely meeting of “Leaders of Large Enterprises” in Wuhan in June 2022, which played a key role in boosting industry confidence and stabilizing the market pattern. He stated that in the new year, CR Cement will make every effort to promote the implementation of the normalized off-peak production policy in operating regions, work meticulously and solidly to achieve the steady growth of corporate profits and industry benefits; Meanwhile, we will continue to focus on "dual-carbon" targets, and develop technical innovation in the research of new-type cementitious materials, energy-saving and low-carbon transformation of equipment, intelligent manufacturing, new energy application and carbon capture from the three aspects of "carbon reduction, carbon capture and carbon sequestration". He emphasized that during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, CR Cement will extend from cement enterprises to building materials enterprises, accelerate the vertical development of the entire industrial chain, and make great strides towards the goal of "becoming a respected world-class building materials enterprise".

Chairman Kong Xiangzhong expressed his gratitude to China Resources Cement for its efforts to maintain orderly competition in the regional market in 2022, and praised the positioning and focus of the Company's "14th Five-Year Plan" development strategy. He pointed out that large enterprises should review and summarize their market performance in 2022. It is a fact that the market demand is declining and coal prices are high, however the decline in industry benefits has far exceeded the decline in production, indicating that our market is not yet mature enough, and the industrial structural contradictions have not been well resolved. He stressed that in 2023, we must grasp the main line of the supply-side structural reform of the industry and make stable growth, promote innovation, and increase efficiency the key tasks of the industry. First, to address serious overcapacity, we should strengthen market integration and promote the elimination of outdated production capacity, which requires large enterprise groups to play a leading role in the industry and innovate the development model; second, to strengthen regional market coordination, review and promote the experience of coordination and self-discipline in Shanxi, Hebei, Shandong and Henan, expand the scope of regional market coordination, provide organizational assurance for the implementation of off-peak production, and establish a win-win industrial ecological environment for the steady growth of industrial benefits; third, to take realization of "dual-carbon" targets as the driving force for technology innovation, take green low-carbon, digitalization and intelligence as the innovation content, build more energy efficiency benchmarking enterprises, meanwhile, manage major media coverage and reporting properly; fourth, with the effective prevention and control of the pandemic, the international cooperation and exchanges of the Association should be resumed in an orderly manner, and China's cement technology and equipment should be actively promoted to the international market in coordination with the national "Belt and Road" strategy.

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details. 


Meeting of the two parties


Group photo

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