
Chairman Ji Youhong Paid a Call to President Yan Xiaofeng of China Building Materials Federation
Writing time:2023-02-02 Source:Official website of China Building Materials Federation

[Editor's Note] On 1 February, Chairman Ji Youhong and his delegation paid a call to President Yan Xiaofeng of China Building Materials Federation. In-depth exchanges on "dual-carbon" actions, intelligent manufacturing, technology innovation and standard innovation were launched by both parties. They also fully communicated on next cooperation. 

On 1 February, Chairman of the Board and CEO Ji Youhong visited China Building Materials Federation to pay a call to President Yan Xiaofeng. In-depth exchanges on "dual-carbon" actions, intelligent manufacturing, technology innovation and standard innovation were launched by both parties. They also fully communicated on next cooperation. Executive Vice President Chen Guoqing and Vice President Liu Jianhua of China Building Materials Federation, together with CR Cement's Vice President Zheng Qinghong, Jing Shiqing, Cai Xiang and Li Wei participated the symposium. 

President Yan Xiaofeng expressed his appreciation for CR Cement's continuous expansion into new fields, especially to the achievements in the construction of "6 zeros" demonstration factory and intelligent manufacturing. He pointed out that the series of works launched by CR Cement were align with the directions and requirements of national development and comprehensively reflected the responsibility of a central enterprise. He hoped that CR Cement could make greater achievements in the research of new-type low-carbon cementitious materials, intelligent manufacturing, the construction of "6 zeros" demonstration factory, energy-saving and consumption reduction transformation of cement enterprises and the level of internationalization so as to become a benchmark of the industry. 

Chairman Ji Youhong introduced in-detail the major works of CR Cement in 2022 and the work plan for 2023. He said that in the new year, CR Cement would continue to focus on "dual-carbon" targets, and develop at full throttle in the research of new-type cementitious materials, energy-saving and low-carbon transformation of equipment, intelligent manufacturing, new energy application and carbon capture from the three aspects of "carbon reduction, carbon capture and carbon sequestration" so as to move forward towards the goal of "becoming a respected world-class building materials enterprise".

During the conference, Chief Specialist Tao Congxi of CR Cement, presented with the focus on the specific content and the development status of the "Theoretic System of CR Cement's 3C Carbon Reduction" and Vice President Cai Xiang introduced the major breakthroughs in intelligent manufacturing and digital factory of CR Cement. The person-in-charge of each department of China Building Materials Federation introduced their works in "dual carbon", technology innovation, standard innovation and the promotion of green building materials in rural areas respectively, as well as the major tasks of the next stage of work. 

Please refer to the Chinese version for more details. 

Exchange Symposium

Exchange Symposium

Main source of content: Official website of China Building Materials Federation 

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