
The Unveiling Ceremony of China Resources Cement (International) Center for Technology and Innovation was successfully held in Hong Kong
Writing time:2023-02-01

On the morning of 30 January, the unveiling ceremony of China Resources Cement (International) Center for Technology and Innovation (hereinafter referred to as the Cement International Innovation Center) was successfully held at Hong Kong Science Park. Chairman of the Board and CEO Ji Youhong, Vice President Huang Ting, CFO Tan Ying and Vice President Li Baojun together unveiled for the Cement International Innovation Center. The General Manager of Technology & Innovation Department Zhong Kehui, the Director of Mass Work Department and the Chairman of Friendship Association Shi Mingze and the General Manager of Hong Kong Business Division Elaine Lam Hung jointly participated in related activities. 

Before the unveiling ceremony, Chairman Ji Youhong and his delegation listened to the work report of the Cement International Innovation Center. Dr. Shao Hongyu mentioned during the presentation that the Cement International Innovation Center was the first technology and innovation center set up offshore. It was located at Hong Kong Science Park, the core area of Hong Kong's technological innovation, with function positioning of "Three Platforms", namely cutting-edge technology R&D platform, international technologies exchange platform and international talents introduction platform. He said that in the future, the Cement International Innovation Center would deeply correspond to actual needs, fully focus on three major development directions, which were research on forefront technologies, expansion on detection technologies and R&D on green building materials so as to continuously explore effective paths to contribute to the high-quality development of CR Cement.

During his speech, Chairman Ji Youhong expressed his gratitude to Technology and Innovation Department and Hong Kong Business Division for their efforts in preparing for the establishment of the Cement International Innovation Center. He pointed out that the Report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC had emphasized that "education, technology and talents are the basic and strategic support to the comprehensive construction of a modern socialist country" and the establishment of the Cement International Innovation Center was a concrete embodiment of CR Cement's implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress. He stressed that the successful unveiling of the Cement International Innovation Center was a major achievement of the implementation of the strategic plan of the "Fourteenth Five-Year" period. He hoped that the Cement International Innovation Center could achieve the goal of "Three Platforms" in the near future, continue to strengthen the coordination between technological researches and attain the target of "early results, early talents, more results and more talents"!

1. 為水泥國(guó)創(chuàng)中心揭牌

The unveiling of the Cement International Innovation Center

2. 揭牌儀式合影

Group photo at the unveiling ceremony

3. 參觀實(shí)驗(yàn)室

Visit to the laboratory 

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