
The Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province wrote to thank CR Cement for Contributing to Another Historical Best Ambient Air Quality of the Province
Writing time:2023-01-17

On 11 January, CR Cement received a letter of appreciation from the Department of Ecology and Environment of Guangdong Province. The letter said that the subsidiaries of CR Cement have tapped into the potential of governance over the past year, vigorously grasped the emission reduction of pollutants and actively conformed to the contingency plans for polluted weather, which have contributed to the coordinated control of air pollutants and regional coordinated governance. As a result, the ambient air quality has been continuously improved and great contributions were made to the pollution prevention and control of Guangdong Province.

In recent years, CR Cement has always adhered to the development concept of ecological priority and green low carbon. With ecology, environmental protection, safety and intensive utilization of resources as the main working line, CR Cement actively participates in businesses of energy saving and emission reduction, as well as pollution and carbon reduction, continuously promoting the industrial transformation and upgrade of the Company and insisting on taking the green and sustainable development path. 

In the future, CR Cement will continue to practice firmly the concept of "lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets" and plan the Company's development from the perspective of harmonious coexistence between human and nature so as to become the model for green and low carbon development of the building materials industry and contribute to the construction of a beautiful and vigorous China with ever-green mountains.

In 2022, the concentration of 6 pollutants of the ambient air quality of Guangdong Province has comprehensively met the standard for 8 consecutive years. Among which, the average concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) was lowered to 20 mmg/m3, hitting record low. The compliance rate of the Air Quality Index (AQI) of Guangdong Province ranks the first among the six major economic provinces of China.

Letter of Appreciation

Letter of Appreciation

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