
Jinsha Cement was honored with the Third Prize of the "2022 Illustrative Case Collection and Selection for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality" by the SASAC
Writing time:2023-01-10

Recently, the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council release the results of the 2022 Illustrative Case Collection and Selection for Carbon Park and Carbon Neutrality. The project, "Series of carbon reduction and energy consumption reduction projects with calcium carbide slag and yellow phosphorus slag compound ingredients", submitted by Jinsha Cement won the third prize in this selection. 

This case collection activity was launched by China Business Executives Academy, Dalian of the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, aiming to comprehensively implement the decisions and deployments about carbon peak and carbon neutrality made by the CPC and the State Council so as to support the tasks of Central enterprises regarding carbon peak and carbon neutrality. 

The "Series of carbon reduction and consumption reduction projects with calcium carbide slag and yellow phosphorus slag compound ingredients" project systematically proved that during clinker calcination, the composite use of yellow phosphorus slag and carbide slag can reduce energy consumption and promote sulfur capture as well as the formation of clinker silicate mineral, achieving a combined effect of 1+1 > 2. Meanwhile, a systematic industrial production method was formed, and the decomposed calcium oxide in the yellow phosphorus slag and carbide slag was used as the calcium component of clinker to achieve low carbon at source. Moreover, the active silicon oxide and the calcium fluoride in the yellow phosphorous slag and carbide slag were used as catalysts and mineralizing agents to effectively improve the burnability of raw meal, such that the comprehensive energy consumption of clinker can be reduced and achieve carbon reduction during the process. 

Since 2015, Jinsha Cement has organized and launched a series of carbon reduction and energy consumption reduction activities with calcium carbide slag and yellow phosphorus slag compound ingredients and actively promoted the comprehensive utilization of solid wastes as well as the synergy between energy saving and carbon reduction. In 2016, Jinsha Cement obtained the invention patent of "a type of cement and clinker and their production method", which fully demonstrated the confidence and determination of CR Cement to unswervingly follow the path of green and low-carbon high quality development with ecological priority. 


Jinsha Cement was honored with the Third Prize of the "2022 Illustrative Case Collection and Selection for Carbon Peak and Carbon Neutrality"


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