
Wuxuan Cement's 10-Million-Ton Class Fine Aggregates Project Successfully Completed Construction and Commencement Operation
Writing time:2022-12-31

On 30 December, the up and running ceremony of Wuxuan Cement's fine aggregates project of 10-million-ton class of annual production capacity was successfully held, marking the official operation of the second 10-million-ton class aggregates project of CR Cement. The Deputy General Manager of Chengdu Design & Research Institute of Building Materials Industry, Chen Tao participated in the ceremony and the General Manager of Southwest China Region of CR Cement, Peng Fangqing announced the up and running of the project.

Chengdu Design & Research Institute of Building Materials Industry was responsible for the design and the general construction of this project. It built and established a whole-process automatic, intelligent and digital production and operation management system, which can achieve features such as low resources consumption, low dust emission and good environmental benefits after the commencement of operation, as well as accomplish the objectives of green, environmentally-friendly, energy-saving and highly-efficient operation. Meanwhile, the project was equipped with wharf, enabling products including flux stone, manufactured sand and fine aggregates to be radiated to areas along the Xijiang River and the Pearl River through the Xijiang Golden Waterway, which had strong market competitiveness. 

The Wuxuan aggregates project was the forth large-scale aggregates project of CR Cement commencing operation within these two months after the Shangsi, Tianyang and Nanning aggregates projects. The project fully commenced construction on 28 April 2022 and completed construction in only eight months, which comprehensively demonstrated the efficient style and outstanding ability of CR Cement's people in overcoming challenges and daring to strive for the best. So far, the annual production capacity of fine aggregates in Guangxi of CR Cement has reached 35 million tons, leaping to the first in Guangxi and has laid a solid foundation for achieving the grand goal of "building another China Resources Cement".


The ceremony 


The first batch of fine aggregates leaving the factory


The first batch of fine aggregates loaded on board

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