
CR Cement held the 2022 Hong Kong Client Networking Event & Runpin Brand Launch
Writing time:2022-12-15

On 13 December, the "Construction Innovation Expo 2022" co-hosted by the Development Bureau of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Construction Industry Council and the Technology and Industrialization Development Center of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, was kicked off at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre in Wan Chai. CR Cement participated in the Expo with its two major brands, "Runfeng" and "Runpin". This was also the first appearance of CR Cement and its product brands in a large-scale exhibition in Hong Kong.

On 14 December, CR Cement organized the 2022 Hong Kong Client Networking Event & Runpin Brand Launch. The event had invited around 40 guests from the political circle and the academic circle, as well as customer representatives, business partners and media representatives to conduct in-depth exchanges on the business development of the Company and witnessed together the official launch of "Runpin" in Hong Kong.

During the release conference, the General Manager of the Hong Kong Business Division, Ms. Lam Hung introduced in detail about the operational strength and development direction of CR Cement, as well as the Company's outstanding achievements in production safety, green environmental protection and R&D and innovation. According to Ms. Lam, under the guidance of the "One Country, Two Systems", the "Belt and Road Initiative" and the construction of the "Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area" would bring numerous opportunities to Hong Kong. As a Hong Kong listed company under China Resources Group, a central enterprise, CR Cement would actively implement the Group's development strategy of "Reshaping Hong Kong Business" so as to strive to become a producer and supplier of building materials with greater influence in Hong Kong. 

She emphasized that China Resources Cement would proactively seize development opportunities from the Northern Metropolis and the Lantau Tomorrow Vision. With advantages from the resources layout in the Greater Bay Area, the Company would fully exert the synergies of business coordination between cement, concrete, aggregates, engineered stone and prefabricated construction so as to continue to provide customers with high-quality of building material products and services. CR Cement would contribute to the socio-economic development of Hong Kong with "China Resources power" and promote the sustainable development of Hong Kong building materials industry with greater determination and perseverance. 

Member of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Hon Yung Hoi-yan, CEO of Hong Kong Construction Materials Association (HKCMA), Mr. Ambrose Linn and Vice President of CR Enterprise, Mr. Li Nan, together with General Manager of Hong Kong Business Division of CR Cement, Ms. Lam Hung and General Manager of Redland Concrete, Ms. Liang Biying acted as the co-officiating guests. The Bureau Chief of the China Radio & TV Hong Kong Bureau, Mr. Zhang Min and the Deputy Director of the Chief Editor's Office of Phoenix TV, Ms. Gai Huixia were invited to participate in relevant activities. 

"Runpin" is a unified product brand for the functional building materials products under CR Cement, which is mainly applied in business fields such as engineered stone and tile adhesive. The launch of "Runpin" is one of the important measures for CR Cement to "expand and strengthen functional building materials business" during the "Fourteenth Five-Year" period and also a major breakthrough for the Company's transformation and innovation. CR Cement strives to build "Runpin" as a renowned brand in the field of functional building materials and assist the Company to become a "respected world-class building materials company" with the two brands, "Runfeng" and "Runpin".


First appearance of CR Cement in Hong Kong expo


The unveiling ceremony of "Runpin"


Release conference of "Runpin"


Group photo of CR Cement's Hong Kong Business Division

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