
Tianyang Cement's Aggregates Project with Annual Production Capacity of 5 Million Tons Successfully Completed Construction and Commenced Operation
Writing time:2022-12-12

On 9 December, the ceremony for the up and running of the aggregates project with annual production capacity of 5 million tons at Tianyang Cement was successfully held in Tianyang District, Baise City, Guangxi. Huang Guozhe, Secretary of Party Committee of Tianyang District, Li Ning, Director of the Standing Committee of the Tianyang District People's Congress, Yao Yaunjun, Deputy Chief Engineer of Sinoma Energy Conservation Limited, alongside with General Manager of Southwest China Region of CR Cement, Peng Fangqing and Deputy General Manager Wang Yun, Zhu Xiaofeng and Yang Yanbo participated in the ceremony. The ceremony was hosted by Deputy Secretary of Party Committee of Tianyang District, Huang Guangyuan, and Secretary Huang Guozhe announced the official completion of construction and commencement of production of the project.

Director Li Ning pointed out in the speech that the up and running of the project was of great significance to the further expansion and consolidation of the building materials industry of Tianyang District, the promotion of the upgrade of industrial structure and the development of new-type industrialization, as well as the expansion of the industrial economy of Tianyang District, which had laid a solid foundation for the good start of Tianyang District in 2023.

Mr. Yao Yuanjun expressed his warm congratulation to the successful operation of the project as a representative of the construction unit. He mentioned that Tianyang aggregates project was an important embodiment of the practice of new development philosophy and the active integration of new development paradigm of the two central enterprises, China Resources Group and China National Building Material Group, as well as a fruitful result from the long-term friendly cooperation between the two enterprises. With solidarity and cooperation of all parties, the project was able to complete construction and commence operation in 170 days, breaking the record of the fastest construction within the industry and laid a sound foundation for the in-depth cooperation between the two parties in the future.

Deputy General Manager Yang Yanbo said during the speech that the successful up and running of the project had established solid foundation for the achievement of the grand goal of "Building Another China Resources Cement". He also said that as we were now standing at a new start of a new journey, we had to transform the study and implementation of the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party to a strong driving force to found and do businesses. We would march forward with vigorous efforts and perseverance so as to comprehensively contribute to the realization of the Company's "Fourteenth Five-Year" strategic goals. 

Aggregates Project with annual production capacity of 5 million tons at Tianyang Cement is one of the large-scale aggregates projects promoted by CR Cement in Guangxi. The up and running of the project marked the official operation of the second large-scale aggregates project of CR Cement with annual production capacity of 5 million tons or above after the aggregates project at Shangsi Cement. The total investment of the project was approximately RMB400 million. It comprehensively commenced construction on 21 June 2022 and successfully commenced operation after only five months of construction, which fully demonstrates the speed and passion of CR Cement's employees, as well as our confidence and determination in strengthening and expanding the aggregates business of the Company. The project adopted mature new technologies and new achievements in the domestic automation technology field and the production process realizes intelligent management and digital production. At the same time, it utilized fully-enclosed structure and dry process to exploit mine resources in a green manner, which was in line with the green development concept of "safety, environmental protection, high quality, high efficiency and low consumption".

High-end aggregates business is one of the main businesses to be developed by CR Cement during the "14th Five-Year" period. Recently, construction of a number of large-scale aggregates projects will be completed and commence operation in Guangxi. It is expected that the Company's production capacity of aggregates in Guangxi will exceed 30 million tons by the end of the year.


The ceremony


First truck of aggregates leaving the factory

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