
2 Intelligent Digital Projects of CR Cement were Successfully Selected into the 2022 Paradigm Case Library for the Application of Mobile Internet of Things by the Ministry of Industry and Information
Writing time:2022-11-28

On 14 November, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the list of 100 selected cases from the Solicitation for 2022 Paradigm Cases for the Application of Mobile Internet of Things. There are a total of 12 paradigm cases in the field of intelligent factories in the direction of industrial digitalization. Among which, 2 intelligent digital projects of CR Cement were successfully selected.

The "Intelligent Maintenance Project for Industrial Equipment Based on 'Mobile Internet of Things + Artificial Intelligence'" applied by CR Cement is a project that aims to transform the traditional on-site maintenance into a new mode of maintenance. Traditionally, we conduct on-site maintenance when we found out faults through manual inspection and manual judgement. This project established an analysis model for the health status of equipment through collecting multi-dimensional dynamic data of equipment to achieve remote intelligent diagnosis, predict equipment failure, provide guides to on-site pre-inspection and pre-maintenance and complete the predictive maintenance of equipment.

The "Large-Scale Application Project of 5G Internet of Things, Low-Carbon Intelligent Manufacturing and Cloud-Network Convergence" is a project that collects on-site production data through the technology of 5G Internet of Things to construct intelligent digital application and design, and train the algorithm model so as to achieve optimization of on-site production control. Further through Cloud-Network convergence, the project can better exert the synergistic effect of energy saving and carbon reduction. 

Solicitation for 2022 Paradigm Cases for the Application of Mobile Internet of Things (Letter No. 224 [2022] of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology) is an activity organized by the Ministry of Industry and Information. It aims to further exert effects of mobile Internet of Things in fields such as empowering industrial upgrade and improving governance capabilities. The list for selected cases is produced by voluntary application by enterprises, competitive selection by local governments and evaluation by experts. 


Solicitation for 2022 Paradigm Cases for the Application of Mobile Internet of Things: List of selected cases in the field of intelligent factories in the direction of industrial digitalization

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